Trademark Terms

Protecting Trademarks

In order to protect a trademark, the trademark holder must consider two important aspects:


Trademark Classes


We currently have the PYTHON text mark registered in the US for these classes as mark 76044902:

The Python logo is registered in the US as design mark 86191313.

Both the text mark and the logo are currently in preparation of being registered world-wide in a number of countries.

List of available trademark classes:

There are also WIPO and Nice trademark classes, which use more or less the same descriptions.


We also have the word mark PYTHON registered in the EU as CTM 011551017 for these Nice classes:

Other Python Trademarks

The USPTO lists quite a few other trademarks using "PYTHON":

There are a few cases where the same classes were registered, but for sufficiently different goods or services.


TrademarksCommittee/TrademarkTerms (last edited 2015-09-22 16:51:37 by MarcAndreLemburg)