#acl All:read == Purpose & Common Goals == The working group's initial purpose is foster and guide projects that further the PSF's education mission. As a working group, we make things happen. We work toward this common goal in three ways: * We're a meeting point for people who want to make practical contributions to Python in education. * We identify and coordinate projects that deliver specific and measurable results that support our aims. * We support and facilitate such projects so they have the best chance of meeting their goals. == Active time == The working group will exist initially for two years, and it will continue to exist as long as the working group and PSF board determine is needed for successful completion of projects. == Core Values & Internal Government == The core values for this group are: * Respect * Support * Positive Atmosphere * Constructiveness * Integrity The working group adopts the PSF Code of Conduct (https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/). Any actions (found by a majority) made against the principles in the Code of Conduct will result in the acting person being removed from the working group. == Rules & Guidelines == The education working group will be guided by the PSF Code of Conduct and PSF Mission statement. Additional rules are highlighted in our decision making procedures. == Decision Making Procedures == * Projects will be proposed to the working group. * The project requests will be discussed on the mailing list. * The working group team will vote on the proposals. Decisions will be made by a majority rule. * If funding is required, a proposal will be submitted to the PSF Board for approval. == Communication Plan == The team will communicate via the [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pythonedu-wg|PythonEdu-WG]] mailing list. If needed, conference calls may be set up. The method of voting on projects and proposals will be determined by the working group. (The preferred way of voting is email voting.) == Budget == . TBD == List of Participants/Who we are == Moderators: * Carrie Anne Philbin Participants: . Carol Willing == Support Requirements == * TBD