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= Pydotorg Working Group =

''Note:'' When creating new wiki pages related to this group, please use wiki subpages, e.g. BylawsWG/Charter.

== Agenda ==

Streamline how we handle membership signup and management. 
Work on evolving pydotorg to accept membership properly and allow self certifications. 
Work on making pygotorg community oriented and easily navigated. 
Update content on pydotorg to make it as relevant/current as possible.

== Resources ==

 * [[https://github.com/python/pythondotorg|Pydotorg Github]] 

 * [[https://www.python.org|pydotorg]]

 * Proposed [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UU2YVfs2VvveRDnjp_buqfWRyub99XHGbfrXNWKQ9sA/edit?usp=sharing|membership flow]] 

 * Proposed [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lIqN7DisUJXqS6WdQgjsb5Ht-EdKWBIDCxHNm6OxGbU/edit?usp=sharing|architecture]] 


== Mailing List ==

 * [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pydotorg-wg|Pydotorg WG Mailing List]]

 The ML archives are set to private for the time being. Subscriptions must be approved by the admins. EwaJodlowska is the list admin. 

== Discussions ==

Discussions will happen on the mailing list and also during weekly meetings with the vendors.

== Administration ==

 * Chair: Van Lindberg
 * [[PydotorgWG/Charter|Pydotorg WG Charter]]

== Meetings ==

 * Due to PyCon and new board elections, we have not had a meeting since at PyCon. Our next meeting is pending for June 5th at 9am EDT. It will only be 30 minutes due to time constraints of participants. This will be a meeting to discuss any updates and to discuss what will be worked on next. [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=pydotorg+meeting+June+5th&iso=20150605T09&p1=43&am=30|June 5, 2015 - 9:00am EDT]]
    * We were able to hold a meeting and made lots of progress. 
    * The membership signup and self-certify pages are almost complete: http://staging.python.org/membership/?psf_membership=1
    * Screen shot of view for logged in 'Basic Member':http://fw.tl/Pv
    * Screen shot of WIP 'About my Membership' for logged in higher level members: http://fw.tl/fr. We have decided on this that we will remove the "been a member for XXX years" note and just denote which member category the member belongs to. Each member will have one membership category that they belong to but they can also denote on their profile bio that they have contributed to other categories. 
    * Our first goal for the WG will be to get people to contribute to the "content" github tasks: https://github.com/python/pythondotorg/labels/content. We encourage members to particpate by taking on some of these tasks and assigning themselves with whatever they can help with. 

 * [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Pydotorg+Meeting+June+1&iso=20150601T10&p1=43&ah=1|June 1, 2015 - 10:00am EDT]]