Project Funding Working Group

The Project Funding Working Group is a volunteer work group of the Python Software Foundation.


This Working Group researches, and advises Python community volunteers on applying for external grants and similar funding to advance the mission of the PSF, which includes, but is not limited to, things such as advancing the Python core, Python-related infrastructure, key Python projects, and Python education and awareness. Read the charter for more about the Work Group's purpose and goals.


See our public GitHub repository for:

Coming soon:


Decisions on what fundraising and projects/efforts to support, and whether to engage paid grantwriting or project management services, will be done using the voting procedures outlined in the charter.

Administration and Contact



As needed. At least every alternate month (six times per year).

Current Projects

[to be added]

ProjectFundingWG (last edited 2021-02-11 16:01:09 by JannisLeidel)