Wednesday 16 Dec Participants * Bernard * Ee * Georgia * Sumana Agenda * [team chitchat -- talking about shopping, discussion of our favorite trousers] * * * * These are a Welsh jeans company: who do (I think) lifetime repairs * durable * * pushing for size inclusivity * trade-in and trade-up program * warning against Rapha [British cycling sportswear] * Veblen!!!!! [Sumana is referring to the social theorist who discusses status and cost] * For Georgia - "classic" (1977) Top Gear episode: * UX training signups * 7 responses so far. First week of Jan are more optimal; more people will probably come once times are announced * TODO: Pradyun to email people to ask to sign up (within next ~2 days) and come: * Jason R. Coombs * Paul Ganssle * Agronholm * Dan Ryan * sigmavirus24 [Ian Stapledon Cordasco] * frostming * Brian Rutledge * Nathaniel Smith * wrapping up and handing over UX stuff by end of year or Jan * Simply Secure has been working on combining and synthesizing everything * goal is: have all research synthesized together, an outline that will live in the UX hub in the pip docs. That will have specific findings from research this year. Also, some stuff is becoming !GitHub issues directly, future ideas/needs/recommendations. Example: pip search conversation. Some stuff will be specific issue template suggestions. Pulling it together into ongoing guidelines, resources, all in UX hubs * currently jamming through all the data * raw data: who keeps it and how? * surveys we ran wher people filled out individual responses? Simply Secure should * ask people whether they want to stay on panel * destroy individual responses * mostly we didn't ask for contact info on any of the other surveys, unless people opted into that * TODO: Simply Secure: merge into one maiing list for people who have opted into being contacted for this stuff going forward * PSF would own that list * Ee: re panel transfer: write up what's needed and we can make a plan * for UX panel: I said: you are signing up for these pieces of research we are doing this year. when this finishes, we will contact all the participants that had signed up, and depending on how we view it, either they can opt in to having PSF maintain their email address as someone who wants to take part in research, or they can opt out from further research. * other surveys: Bernard asked people whether they would like to contact us, willing to have us contact them; an email address was optiona. maybe 30% gave email addresses. Probably some duplication between that and UX panel. * Georgia: we posted a call for submissions for the logo work for pip -- posted to job board [but for free/unpaid] -- need to check whether it will go live. We may have some logo ideas to review over the next few weeks * It's published: * in case we get results from this: who will make the decisions about the logo * Simply Secure is offering to help further with this past end of SS engagement, as free/voluntary help, thank you, and it was out of scope for original funded engagement * upcoming meetings: Pradyun may be unavailable on 23rd * FOSDEM * Python devroom: Submission deadline: 26th of December 2020; Talk format: 25min of content + 5min of questions * organizers: Eric Gazoni (eric at & Jens Roelant (jens at * idea: talk proposal by Simply Secure + Pradyun about resolver work holistically