Wednesday, 9 Sept 2020 Participants * Sumana * Pradyun Agenda * Surveys * feedback from the resolver survey - anything that needs to be transferred into !GitHub? * Pradyun to look at it a few times per week -- will look at recent responses now, some of which describe bad experiences with the new resolver * Following up on past TODOs: * TODO: better document what pip will allow in the future * re - from - TODO: determine whether this is different than old behavior, and document somewhere on, maybe migration guide * TODO: Pradyun: a place to ask: Github issues about performance issues, ask them to try fast-deps. (from ) * has done this with a few people, they had consistently slower results * !McSinyx is working on improving performance on a volunteer basis - no specific timeline for the new behavior to become the default * fix typo in "Could not determine installation order due to cicular dependency" from * Pradyun to double-check