Tuesday, 8 Sept 2020 Participants * Bernard * Pradyun * Nicole * Sumana Agenda * status & blockers * Pradyun: working through a TODO list - no blockers * Nicole: just started to do some user interviews for pip functionality research epic. We're about to publish a number of surveys * blocker: going to discuss with Bernard the way to roll out those surveys. Maybe 1 per week. * 1 per week. Starting with UX Studies panel we have put together. Advertising on Twitter, PSF Newsletter, trying to get high-profile people in Python to advertise it * if Pradyun is interested, can be added to invitations. Nicole to do that to invite into some of next week's * Bernard: No real blockers, working on the "who uses pip" interviews and survey analysis (20 interviews conducted so far from a pool of 45 approx participants contacted), have some more interviews scheduled this week, started writing emerging research themes, will share them today in Zulip. Will start on ecosystem research logistics. * Sumana would appreciate a walk through of the inteview so far. Bernard do that in the meeting next week. * have been putting interviews in Notion initially. Privacy: info not to be shared beyond pip team. Bernard believes it would be helpful for everyone to read them. * Pradyun is welcome to sit in but timezones optimized for the interview participants * no blockers, just logistics and timings * next week, in a meeting: Bernard to share with us those emerging research themes, combination of presentation + Q&A to be 20-30 min * Sumana: Has been blocked internally by competing deadlines, but that's been sorted last week. Today is working on pip publicity work. Working on email with Ernest and Betsy to send to sponsors. Taking another look at the video script (for the team to record). Also reminded that quite collab meetings with team members are helpful. In the coming weeks she'll ask Ernest, Pradyun, Nicole and Bernard for quiet collab video meeitngs. That is helpful epecially when also inundated with other contact. No need to say about availability. She'll reach out to people. * schedule/vacations/availability * Sept 21-25 - Sumana vacation??? * Pradyun unavailable for a bit in late Oct/early Nov. May be postponed a bit. Probably will not affect release of pip 20.3 * Ernest: unavailable this Friday, and will be semi-available for a week at some point in September. Mornings & evenings semi-available * I have visions of Ernest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC5ACV4JTY4 (Steve Roberts Technomad) * Bernard: starting in a few days, very stable for at least a month * Nicole: no news. reduced aval on this project to 5 hrs/week. May be unavail for half a day at some point in the next few weeks.