13 May

 * Nicole
 * Pradyun

    * discuss pip output
    * discuss documentation issues
The UX team would like to understand the way that we can improve the output of pip *in general*, to support the new resolver error and information messages. 

Nicole asked Pradyun whether or not there is a list of all of the messages that are currently output to the terminal - answer is no, *however*, we can find these by searching for `logger` messages in the codebase.

pip uses logging from the standard library - levels can be viewed here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels

We discussed the verbosity levels as a useful tool for users to control what output they want to see. Pradyun has the feeling that the verbosity levels are not useful / not used in their current state.

Next steps: 
    * Put together a document listing all current messages, so we have an overview of all information presented to the user
    * Consider what information is *not* displayed that could be exposed to the user
    * See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4649

We also discussed documentation. It is fair to say that the UX team has found it a challenge to get onboarded on this project, partially because the documentation about Python packaging is spread all over the internet, e.g.
	* Packaging.python.org
	* Documentation for each project (pip, warehouse, twine, etc, etc)
	* third party blog posts, videos, etc.

Next steps:
    * Nicole to include this point in UX recommendations