Warehouse kickoff meeting, 11 March 2019

6pm-6:20pm UK, 2pm-2:20pm ET, 11am-11:20am ET


	* Sumana Harihareswara
	* Nicole Harris
	* Dustin Ingram
	* Mike Myers
	* Will
	* Donald

    * Ernest W. Durbin III - PSF

	* Sumana: NYC (Eastern Time); project management, 5-10 hrs/week
	* Mike - Southern California, project managing for ToB, maybe 1hr/week, some reports, helping with billing and invoices
	* Will - NYC, technical person, ~20hrs/week, backend engineering
	* Nicole - Scotland, UX, HTML, and CSS of Warehouse - up to 10 hrs/week, can fluctuate
	* Dustin - Texas, Warehouse maintainer, can allocate about 1hr/week, maybe 2 for PRs, review, answering questions
	* Donald - Pennsylvania, Warehouse maintainer and admin, no set amount of time allocated, can make time
	* Absent: Ernest - US Eastern/Centralish. Available 7am-4pm Eastern Monday-Friday. Support from infrastructure, dev, and feature perspective. Review PRs

Planned next steps:
	* Task 1: Multi-Factor Auth (MFA), Task 2: API Keys, Task 3: Audit Trail - which first?
	* Will get dev env setup
		* Will: start with MFA - review https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/4373
		* #pypa-dev on Freenode IRC
		*  also https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/4618
		* (set up necessary discussions among Trail of Bits, Nicole, Dustin, and Donald)
	* Nicole - look at that PR, talk with Will about needed views/templates

Tabled Activities:
none :-)

None! Trail of Bits & Nicole - contracts are ok :-)

Question: OTF reporting?
	Sumana to work that out with Ernest and Tara. 
	Probably like the MOSS reporting from https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingWG - consistent public reports, forwarded to funder

Unavailability between now & mid-June?
	* !PyCon NA plans (Maintainers summit May 4th, sprints May 6-9)
		* Sumana - yes
		* Donald - probably yes
		* Dustin - yes
		* Nicole & Mike - no
		* Will - maybe
		* Absent: Ernest (con chair)