= Warehouse weekly meeting =
Monday, 23 April 2018

== Present ==
 * Nicole
 * Dustin
 * Sumana
 * Laura
 * Ernest
 * Mark

== Announcements ==
From Jochai at Mozilla, last week:

"Very exciting, Sumana! Congrats to you and the team!

Sumana: unavailable much of this week

Ernest: We've done _50_ deploys since prod launch!!!

== Working on/blocked ==

 * Reviewing PRs
 * Starting user research for project detail page - please try [Google form], use link to give feedback  (soon please  TODO for all of us - EOD Tuesday)
 * Starting planning for next round of user tests (and user test training). 59 volunteers \o/
 * No blockers :)


Need to:

 * Submit request for OTF Red Team audit
 * Ask Mozilla about further funding
 * Give Betsy, Mark, rest of community our thoughts on what we could do with more money -- add to weekly email for tomorrow
 * Preparing for Warehouse sprint night with Laura on Thursday (the 26th)


 * tweeting from @ThePSF about PyPI launch? - TODO - followup with Betsy/Marketing WG-- DONE https://twitter.com/di_codes/status/985896605294448640
 * need Open Tech Fund feedback from team -- DEADLINE April 26th
 * ''Estimate Remaining'' $ 2,369.50 - for May (in MOSS award)
  * Ernest: can we update the column for "Estimate" to include reallocation that occurred? TODO for Mark (with Ewa)


 * Primarily investigating and improving reliability concerns, metrics, monitoring.
 * Search Index - may be resolved, Memory Consumption, HTTP 5xx errors - trending toward 0 errors
 * Blocked: Just on time! April 30 can't come soon enough :)


 * Milestone #5
 * Wrapping up "on hold until we launch" PRs


 * Promoted new PyPI on mailing list and the Changelog: https://blog.python.org/2018/04/new-pypi-launched-legacy-pypi-shutting.html and LWN: https://lwn.net/Articles/752192/
 * Sprint with NYC Python and !PyLadies this Thursday!

== Ask Donald for ==
 * Update GDPR issue with VanL's reply

== Upcoming talks/sprints? ==
 * PyPA [redacted] sprint -- October 27/28? TODO Sumana to reach out to PyPA today
 * I think we should consider submitting a session to Open Source Summit, Wednesday, August 29 – Friday, August 31, 2018 in Vancouver, Canada.  https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-source-summit-north-america-2018/program/cfp/  — CfP closes April 29th. 2000+ attendees, includes subconferences !LinuxCon, !ContainerCon and !CloudOpen, and I think it might be a good opportunity to sell to the business-open-sourcey community, "here's what Packaging WG did with this much funding, here are the benefits we could offer to the industry if we had $___." __
  * Sumana TODO - ask Packaging WG -- DONE

== After April 30th: momentum ==
Who's committing to what as volunteers after grant is over?

 * Ernest - will keep working on infrastructure, keeping eye on issue tracker - 8 hours/week volunteer - depends on job search
 * Nicole - will continue to work on project, possibly reduced rate. will continue with user testing, reviewing PRs,
 * Dustin - ~10 hrs week, depending on schedule
 * Mark - help out with infrastructure - discuss with Ernest - doesn't have time allocation, depends on PSF
 * Laura - not quite sure, hoping to keep contributing a few hours/week
 * Sumana: will work on Python stuff <8 hours/week

Ernest, Dustin, and Nicole to try to concentrate volunteer time on supporting, responding to volunteers, and to find potential coordinator/co-maintainer candidates at__ PyCon __sprints__ __

== TODO ==
 * Give Nicole feedback via Google form before EoD Tuesday
 * Give Mark feedback on Open Tech Fund answers by EoD Wednesday

 * file issue re: redirects for search/filter queries -- [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3799|DONE]]
 * Submit request for OTF Red Team audit
 * Ask Mozilla about further funding
 * Give Betsy, Mark, rest of community our thoughts on what we could do with more money -- add to weekly email for tomorrow
 * Preparing for Warehouse sprint night with Laura on Thursday (the 26th)

 * Update GDPR issue with VanL's reply

 * Update MOSS budget spreadsheet -- update the column for "Estimate" to include reallocation that occurred