= Warehouse Sync-up Meeting =
Monday, 2 April, 2018

== Present: ==
 * Laura
 * Sumana
 * Mark
 * Nicole
 * Dustin
 * (Ernest absent)
 * (Donald absent)

== Blocked/working on/announcements ==

 * Cross browser testing - opened issues related to IE 11 - less than 3% of users affected
 * Sponsor page - '''blocked''': waiting for last logos? - need [sponsor] logo --  Logo needed by April 9 (at latest) to not block rollout.
 * working on user testing - we find it very unlikely that user test issues will be blockers for launch
 * not available first week of May (1-4 May)


 * working on digging myself out of a pile of emails
 * working through PRs for merging


 * updated legacy API docs; reviewing PRs
 * Help Nicole with user testing


 * unavailable late Thurs and part of Fri; may be unavailable for a day in April
 * lots of communication work
 * need an OK on the TLS announcement https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3293#issuecomment-377934325 -- need to tell Mac users on 10.13 to upgrade pip . Can @ThePSF retweet?


 * FB and NLNet grant proposals submitted. \o/
 * Burn rate updated: [document]
 * Should be able to announce [infra] Credits this week, but still awaiting the transparent logo.  Ernest did ping our contact; has not replied yet.

== Proposed April schedule ==
Context: we have very few open issues blocking us from launching/redirecting and shutting down legacy, and want to shut down legacy this month so we have a few days in early May to fix things while we're still available, pre-!PyCon, have budget, etc. And Ernest is unavailable this week so we should not launch/redirect this week.

 1. Sunday April 8th: TLS 1.0/1.1 removal https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3411
 1. Monday April 9th: a one-time mass email to all PyPI publishers who haven't published a new release since July 1 2017, telling them: [''we don't have in-PyPI infrastructure for sending emails to subsets of users'' ''(check with Ernest?)  - let's draw a tighter box around dates, only emailing publishers who HAVEN'T published a release since mid-2017 but HAVE published a release in the past several years  - discuss specific daterange on IRC ''
  1. we're in beta
  1. migration instructions in case they're having problems
  1. upcoming IRC/Twitter livechats (we would set up new ones)
  1. get on pypi-announce for more announcements
 1. Monday April 9th: give sponsors the one-week notice that we're launching ''[we absolutely need all sponsor logos by this date]''
 1. April 9-15: deal with reports from those maintainers, finish beta.
 1. Monday April 16: launch/redirect.
 1. Monday April 30: shut down legacy.

There's a [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3275|request from JFrog to postpone redirect to 22nd]] -- but they can use the User-Agent redirect exclusion from legacy until we shut down Legacy, so they should be fine.

=== Resolution ===
Group approved this plan. Updated the [[WarehouseRoadmap|Warehouse roadmap]].

== Ask Donald for ==
[sponsor] transparent logo

== Issue triage ==
 * Twine/Warehouse error message conflict https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3482 https://github.com/pypa/twine/issues/332
  * Sumana: seems worth spending a little Twine time on
  * di: we should just revert the error message for now
 * give user option to see more search results in pagination https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3463
  * could Nicole user test about this? Yes :)
   * do users search for maintainer names?
 * reStructuredText header issue https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3311
  * could Dustin investigate? di: yes, likely a readme_renderer issue
 * problem deleting project with a period character in project name https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3491
  * how many projects are potentially affected? di: lots
  * di: trivial to use the non-normalized name instead
  * How many deletions a day do we get? Would be a good question to answer. deletions are uncommon, more common on Test.
   * a deleted filename cannot be reused *even if the project name was deleted and recreated*, but verrrrrry few users ever run into this
 * which of the cross-browser bugs [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues?q=is:open+is:issue+no:milestone+label:"cross+browser+bug+:bug:"|https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Amilestone+label%3A%22cross+browser+bug+%3Abug%3A%22]] do we need to fix before shutting down legacy?
  * deferring to Nicole - none.  Priority is mobile/tablet bugs because there is higher percentage of users there than on ie11. Nothing blocking. ie11 users are < 3% - 90% confident Nicole has found most bugs - most users use Chrome and site was developed with Chrome

== TODO ==
 * --(Sumana to open issue about users searching for maintainer names)-- -- filed as https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3527