= Maintainer MVP Milestone discussion =
Sync-up and discussion of due date
January 10, 2018

 * Sumana Harihareswara
 * Laura Hampton
 * Ernest W. Durbin III
 * Nicole Harris
 * Dustin Ingram
 * Donald Stufft
 * Mark Mangoba

== Current work ==
What are you working on? Any blockers?
 * Ernest: Next layer up of deployment infra - Service management and configuration. Timeline: Hope to have MVP for service creation/management next week, deploying warehouse to Kubernetes
 * Dustin: issues in first milestone, role maintenance, password resets 
 * Nicole: architecture for managers, [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/424|#424]], password reset pages needs feedback re UI 
 * Donald: Discussing PR feedback 

== Maintainer MVP milestone work remaining ==
Schedule and decide tentative deadline for [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/milestone/8|first milestone]]

 * Many issues are dependent on Nicole's availability
 * [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/424|"Enable pages to delete, hide, unhide a project/release/file"]] - needs files (Hide/unhide is not critical)
 * Ernest notes: maintainers may need journal for auditing. New tickets for journal? - only need release journal for first milestone
 * TODO: Nicole and Donald: move issue re information from sdist https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2734 (conversation regarding `PKG-INFO` display that we currently support)
 * TODO: Nicole/Ernest - rough in buttons for managing/deleting documentation (Ernest notes: no real blocker as he is sure Nicole can help him fix it up in a PR, after Ernest finishes current infrastructure tasks)
 * Nicole is working on page for managing versions and viewing journal
 * Nicole blocked on:
  * [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/1322#issuecomment-352983065|documentation needs (Sumana's addressed (as of Friday))]]
  * [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/1989#issuecomment-352898668|documentation needs (Sumana's addressed (as of Friday))]]
  * Needs [[https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/1262|password PR]] merged (now done)
  * Needs role/collaborator form updated - [[ https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/2705|Dustin is working on this]]
  * Nicole: view for logged in users to view detail of a release (this view can be empty, for now Nicole just needs a URL so she can build a static form / tables, etc.; Dustin is working on this)

== Statements/News ==

 * Ernest: I have Warehouse Logo stickers arriving today. Need your mailing addresses :-p

== Questions ==

Ernest: Have we gotten an idea where we are at with $ burn and time remaining for participants?
 * Mark: answer to come (was provided to team later that week)

Dustin: How do we want to handle PR reviews given Donald's limited time?
 * Ernest: Assignments via !GitHub work best for me to keep on top of (I see now that I have had a review requested... this is a tab I just learned about D:)
 * TODO: Sumana to check on requests for Donald, ping him (Sumana's now started doing this)
 * Need more committers, but no one available
 * Committers: Donald, Ernest, Nicole, Dustin, Alex Gaynor (does dependency upgrades)
 * Need more reviewers in the long run -- we aim to grow this capability somewhat organically