Meeting: Tuesday, Dec. 19th

 * Laura Hampton
 * Ernest W. Durbin III
 * Dustin Ingram
 * Mark Mangoba
 * Sumana Harihareswara
 * Donald Stufft
 * Nicole Harris

'''I. Which of these issues ought to be in the Maintainer MVP milestone?'''
Maintainer MVP milestone:

 * We need UI that will allow users to modify the project/release/files they register & upload to Warehouse.
  * Upload may be deprecated, but how should users modify?
  * ''Resolution:'' Ernest - absolutely MVP milestone
  * Ernest: Do we need to update this to include "delete" for files, releases, projects?
  * Ernest: Sounds like we may not want to allow for updating metadata at all
  * Followup with Donald?
  * Donald - don't allow modifying metadata
   * Dustin: give people an alternative, e.g., staged releases, Markdown support
   * but current feature parity does not demand that.
  * ''Resolution:''  WONTFIX the metadata change -- people generally legitimately want this  because of a typo in .rst, so test it first. otherwise, open to  malicious stuff, & changing this breaks pip show. But the sub-issue  that's about deletion needs to happen, as does managing hidden vs  unhidden releases
   * TODO: Sumana & Donald to update per above
 * - Enable users to modify their own account
  * ''Resolution:'' Ernest - absolutely MVP milestone
  * Existing PR:
   * TODO:  Sumana to message contributor to say .... -- we have time to work on  this, do you have time to update & rebase in the next few days?
  * Nicole:  do we want to do dummy backend first? or backend first? if someone  could create empty view with empty template in next few days, I have  somewhere to put HTML, I could work on it
   * Dustin will provide this
 * UI for adding maintainers
  * ''Resolution: ''Ernest - absolutely MVP milestone
 * Implement "forgot password" feature
  * ''Resolution:'' Ernest - absolutely MVP milestone
  * Existing PR:
   * TODO:  Sumana to message contributor to say .... -- we have time to work on  this, do you have time to update & rebase in the next few days?
 * Classifiers in development DB are out of date
  * Dustin - mild annoyance for users - consult Donald; issue is out of date
  * ''Resolution:'' push to later milestone
 * Blacklisting project does not purge the cache
  * Security implications?
  * Ernest: this is just a bug... self-assigned!
  * ''Resolution: ''Ernest - part of MVP milestone

Also need to discuss (issues added during meeting):

 * OpenID Login/Google Login?
  * Ernest: Probably _should_ be available, but not _strictly_ necessary for Maintainer MVP
  * Donald: Deprecate before legacy shutdown
  * Ernest: TODO: Deprecation notice on Google Auth/OpenID Login
  * ''Resolution: ''Donald - not maintainer MVP since all maintainers will not be using Google Auth/OpenID
  * Donald: TODO: Poke hornets nest on this (distutils-sig discussion)
 * Removal/Redirect -- documentation uploaded to python-hosted
  * Explanation:  you used to be able to upload a tarball we would extract & host on a  path at pythonhosted and people used that as official hosting (some  people)
  * has never worked great. S3 usage is expensive -- when we  switched uploading to Warehouse, did not implement doc upload API. All  those people who had previously uploaded files to this static site  needed a way to deal with that. Ernest? implemented a button to delete  all files we had [for each user?] .... unhappiness re throwing away  juice
  * Ernest: happy to own & drive this, Nick Coghlan.  Ernest TODO to lead on community basis on getting out of this situation  and moving forward.
   * ''Resolution: ''biggest thing for maintainer MVP: a delete button and/or redirect button
   * but open redirect problem/issue/ to watch out for


 * Hook sessions into pyramid_tm to make them transactional
  * Ernest - this may done? Implementation detail.
  * ''Resolution: ''Donald - not an issue for the MVP milestone
 * import SCSS tools
  * Ernest - consult Nicole
  * ''Resolution: ''Nicole: just a refactor, not for any milestone
 * functionality to rename a project
  * ''Resolution: ''Ernest: new feature! def not MVP/milestone1 likely an "admin" feature.
 * Handle Version Sorting ''(or a related issue, or breaking out a sub-issue?)''
  * ''Resolution: ''Ernest: notes that this is not milestone1
 * Tests depend on `manifest.json` existing
  * ''Resolution: ''Dustin - not part of MVP milestone

Sumana wonders whether previous decision was correct :) :

 * File size limit error message should include size of the limit
  * ''Resolution: ''Dustin - I think this can be included in the MVP
  * Existing PR:
 * Add roadmap to documentation - link to it from footer
  * Donald - out of date one may be worse than none
  * Sumana - need roadmap only during project, and then remove?
   * ''Resolution: '' add to MVP milestone, remove in launch milestone
 * How to update the "Description" in ?
  * Dustin - Likely not going to be supported
   * Instead: staged releases , supporting Markdown  , telling people to run `python check -r -s` first
  * Ernest - not part of MVP milestone
  * Donald - not part of MVP milestone
  * Ernest: Indeed, this ties back into #424 relating to not allowing for update to metadata
  * Ernest: Personally I'm _for_ allowing description updates in a limited time period after release (1-2wks)
  * ''RESOLUTION:'' say: we're not going to do this right now, but let's discuss on distutils-sig (this is now at )
   * TODO: Donald to WONTFIX
 * Dependency and Reverse Dependency
  * ''Resolution: ''Ernest: Definitely not MVP/milestone1, this is a new feature :)

'''II. Discuss schedule and decide: what is our tentative deadline for the first milestone?'''
Assignments - what's on whose plate?

 * Dustin:
  * Will stub out some pages for Nicole so she can get started, wrap up role maintenance as well
 * Ernest:
  * Ernest: Deprecation/Password warning on Google/OpenID Login for pypi-legacy
  * Ernest: notes on delete/redirect for pythonhosted
  * Ernest: Ping E. Holscher on
  * Ernest:  Continuing to push platform/foundation for kuberenetes deploy - Hope to  have this done and move onto actual warehouse things by EOW
 * Donald:
  * leave comments on updating description & openID/Google login (2170 & 424 & 61)
 * Nicole:
  * maintainer UI & forgot password (956 & 1228)
 * Sumana & Laura:
  * turn notes from this meeting into GitHub updates, solidify Milestone 1

Deferred till after GitHub updates:

 * Figure out hours estimates for these issues and delivery date range