Join us at sprints!

We welcome package maintainers, backend and frontend web developers, infrastructure administrators, technical writers, and testers to join us at sprints to help us make the new PyPI, and the entire packaging/distribution toolchain, as usable and robust as possible.

We're working on Warehouse, setuptools, pip, twine, virtualenv, pipenv, readme-renderer, bandersnatch, conda, conda-build, manylinux, and tox. We're using Pyramid, Pylons, StimulusJS, CSS, static typechecking with mypy, ElasticSearch, Sphinx, and regular Python, and we also need help with Travis CI and continuous integration, and Anaconda and Windows support.

Newcomers are usually welcome -- we'll help you learn and contribute!

Members of the Packaging Working Group and the Python Packaging Authority will be at these sprints/events:

Upcoming events

EuroPython 2020

July 25-26, online. More info coming soon; see sprint wiki page!


You're free to plan another one! Probably good to announce it on .

Past events

Pre-PyGotham sprint day and night, autumn 2019

Dates: Thursday, 3 October 2019

Times: 10am-5pm daytime, 6:30-9:30pm evening

Location: a location in New York City; remote folks can join us via IRC;


Things we are working on:

Twine, pip, Warehouse; review some open pull requests, triage bugs to find ones we can close as no longer reproducible, and explain stuff to each other.

(If you have never contributed to Python packaging/distribution tools before, and you want to start, this is probably not the best event for you. Instead, look for an NYC Python project night in October about packaging. Or, speak up on Discourse and we'll set up a more introductory event in the future.)

Notes from the event:


  1. If you don't know git:

  2. If you have never packaged a Python project before:

  3. If you want to understand the internals of PyPI & pip: &



Ways to contribute:

Pair up with someone to work on these!

CondaForge links for packages

Things we're sprinting with:

link to slide re Warehouse:

link to in-toto slides:

June 2019 NYC sprint day

Dates: Saturday, 9 June 2019

Times: 10am-4pm

Location: a coworking lounge in New York City; remote folks can join us via IRC


Things we are working on:

Twine, pip, Warehouse; review some open pull requests, triage bugs to find ones we can close as no longer reproducible, and explain stuff to each other.

(If you have never contributed to Python packaging/distribution tools before, and you want to start, this is probably not the best event for you; let me know, and I'll set up a more introductory event in the future.)

PyCon North America 2019


Dates: May 6-9, 2019, at PyCon North America in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Times: generally 9am-5pm all days

Room: 26C Monday-Wednesday -- room 19 on Thursday


Things we are working on:

See (Google Doc) for a live updated list!

PyPA October 2018 sprint at Bloomberg

Dates: Sponsored and hosted by Bloomberg, October 27-28, 2018, simultaneously in London and New York City. We hope mentors can arrive Thursday night 25 Oct, do prep, setup, and dinner on Friday, then participate Sat-Sun, then leave Sunday evening or Monday.

Attending: free and open to the public, please RSVP for the relevant events:

Bloomberg will host this, pay for a maintainers'/mentors' dinner the night before, provide clusters of cloud virtual machines for the attendees to use, and book and pay for some contributors' lodging and travel.

If you live in North America or Europe and would need assistance to attend this as a mentor, email .

TO DO NOW: If you live outside of the US or UK and would need an invitation letter to get a visa to travel to one of these sprints, please write to Kevin P. Fleming at Bloomberg, kpfleming AT bloomberg DOT net, and he'll start setting you up.

Purpose: advance Python packaging/distro tools, teach new contributors (including many Bloomberg employees), and yeah, if you want to get to know Bloomberg for career reasons, that too. :) See the Tech At Bloomberg site.

Thanks to Bloomberg folks Mario Corchero and Henry Kleynhans in London and Kevin P. Fleming in New York City for coordinating this, and thanks especially to Mario and to Paul Ganssle for suggesting it!

Things we could work on:

PyCon North America 2018


Dates: May 14-17, 2018, at PyCon North America in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Times: generally 9am-5pm all days

Room: 26B moved to Room 20


Things we are working on:

EuroPython 2018

Dates: EuroPython in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 28 & 29, 2018


Things we could work on:

April 2018: NYC Python/PyLadies Sprint Night

Thursday, April 26, New York City, NY -- 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, at Microsoft Technology Center


Things we could work on:

Packaging BoF/Open Space at PyCon 2018

Date: We held an open space/Birds of a Feather session, a conversation on packaging.



Pipenv BoF/Open Space

Date: May 13, an open space/Birds of a Feather session specifically on Pipenv.



PackagingSprints (last edited 2020-06-01 21:06:26 by SumanaHarihareswara)