= PSF Blog Policy =

Draft policy:

 * The communication chair has an ongoing list of blog topics that should be covered: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wkj4j9uF0ZdkYtMM2_tSZtRXSXg-qwdzA1W2bg0DWvc/edit?usp=sharing
 * Bloggers put their names next to the topic they want to write about and the expected date that they will be able to finish a draft. 
    * If they do not have a draft by the date they put down, it get's freed up for someone else to take
 * Once they have a draft, it should be reviewed by the blogging team and we should mark in that entry who edited it and when.
 * After that it can be approved by PSF Communication Chair and/or PSF Director of Operations for publishing