= PSF Meta Working Group =

''Note:'' When creating new wiki pages related to this group, please use wiki subpages, e.g. MetaWG/Charter.

== Agenda ==

Discuss creation/dissolution/management of PSF working groups. Maintain a list of active groups.

== Active PSF Working Groups ==

Essentially the same list as on the [[Contents]] page:

 * [[MetaWG|Meta WG]] - manage WGs
 * [[BylawsWG|Bylaws WG]] - create new bylaws

== Mailing List ==

 * [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-meta-wg|PSF Meta WG Mailing List]]

 The ML archives are set to private for the time being. Subscriptions must be approved by the admins. VanLindberg and MarcAndreLemburg are the list admins.

== Resources ==

 * [[BylawsWG|Bylaws WG wiki page]] - has links to the new membership model, which can be used to draft up proposal until the bylaws changes have been implemented.

== Administration ==

 * Chair: ??
 * [[MetaWG/Charter|PSF Meta WG Charter]]