PSF Members Meeting Agenda for July 23, 2015

Meeting time: 18:00-19:00 GMT+2/CEST (Other timezones); EuroPython 2015, Bilbao, Spain.

Meeting venue: Eskalduna Conference Center, Meeting room: Room Barria1


Agenda Sections:

Slides here (PDF)

New board

Want to know more about them? Check out their blurb from the nominations!

  1. Chair: Van Lindburg
  2. Vice Chair: Naomi Ceder
  3. Vice Chair: Lynn Root
  4. Diana Clarke*
  5. Nick Coghlan
  6. Alex Gaynor
  7. Marc-Andre Lemburg
  8. Ashwini Oruganti*
  9. Anna Ossowski*
  10. Carrie Ann Philbin*
  11. Carol Willing*

PSF Officers

  1. President: Guido VR
  2. Chair: Van Lindberg
  3. Treasurer: Kurt Kaiser
  4. Communications: Diana Clarke
  5. PyCon Chair: Brandon Rhodes

  6. Secretary & Event Coordinator: Ewa Jodlowska

  7. Vice Chair: Naomi Ceder
  8. Vice Chair: Lynn Root

Demystifying the Membership Model

Check out the awesome flow chart I made in 5 minutes

TL;DR of model:

More information can be found here.

Work groups

Mailing lists

Closing FYI

PSF will reimburse you Meetup fees! See for details. (And you can create up to 3 meetup groups with one account!)

Members Meeting Agenda July 2015 (last edited 2015-07-23 16:01:56 by LynnRoot)