##master-page:HomepageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date ## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. #format wiki #language en = Mayur Patil = Email: <<MailTo(ramDOTnath241089ATgmailDOTcom)>> ## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank. I'm a member of [[https://wiki.python.org/psf/NewMembershipModel#Contributing_Members_.28Creating.29|Contributing Members (Creating) Group]]. I also work as Python trainer for: 1. High schools 1. Academics, 1. Industry 1. Government Organizations. I have conducted Python in Marathi Hands on session for Four hours in GNUNify. As of now, I have interacted with various Github projects, '''Python based mostly''',help them to grow and upgrade. I live in Pune City. ''Looking forward to make you fall in love with Python ! '' ---- CategoryHomepage