## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #acl -All:write Default #format wiki #language en = Formatting = <<TableOfContents>> This page describes using the MoinMoin wiki syntax (which is the default syntax for a MoinMoin based wiki, but not the only one). For other parsers/syntaxes take a look at HelpOnParsers. == General == * Use one or more blank lines to separate paragraphs. * Use `<<BR>>` [[HelpOnMacros|macro]] to insert linebreaks into paragraphs. == Typeface == ## Note that in some places we've used backticks here to "escape" the Wiki markup. ||<rowbgcolor="#ffffcc">''' Name/Sample''' || ''' Markup ''' || ''' Notes ''' || || ''italic'' || `''italic''` || Double single quotes. || || '''bold''' || `'''bold'''` || Triple single quotes. || || `monospace` || {{{`monospace`}}} || Single backticks for inline monospaced text. If possible, try to avoid long monospaced texts, especially inside tables: sometimes they are not properly wrapped by the browsers. Wiki markup is ignored. || || `monospace` || `{{{monospace}}}` || Same as backticks. Placing the braces in separate lines produces a [[#codeexample|code block]]. || || __underline__ || `__underline__` || || || ^super^script || `^super^script` || || || ,,sub,,script || `,,sub,,script` || || || ~-smaller-~ || `~-smaller-~` || || || ~+larger+~ || `~+larger+~` || || || --(stroke)-- || `--(stroke)--` || || == Colorize text == Colorizing is enabled in tables without additional macros (see HelpOnTables). ##Or install the macro [[http://moinmo.in/MacroMarket/Color2|Color2]]. == Colorize code (Syntax Highlighting) == There are several ways to highlight code: 1. Start a special code block containing the parser's name: `{{{#!parsername` 1. Embed a file attachment bearing a supported extension (such as `".py"`) with `{{attachment:test.py}}` 1. Begin a page with the [[HelpOnProcessingInstructions|format processing instruction]]: `#format parsername` [[#SyntaxHighlighting|Example.]] !MoinMoin comes with a special parser called [[HelpOnParsers#The_highlight_parser|highlight]] that is based on [[http://pygments.org/|Pygments]] internally. You can use it to highlight many sorts of programming source code, configuration files and other sorts of text files used on computers. == Examples == === Mixing ''italic'' and '''bold''' === <<Anchor(italic_bold_example)>> ## Note that in some places we've used backticks here to "escape" the Wiki markup. ||<rowbgcolor="#ffffcc"> '''Markup''' || '''Result''' || || `'''''Mix''' at the beginning''` || '''''Mix''' at the beginning'' || || `'''''Mix'' at the beginning'''` || '''''Mix'' at the beginning''' || || `'''Mix at the ''end'''''` || '''Mix at the ''end''''' || || `''Mix at the '''end'''''` || ''Mix at the '''end''''' || === Superscript & Subscript === {{{ You might recall ''a''^2^ `+` ''b''^2^ `=` ''c''^2^ from your math lessons, unless your head is filled with H,,2,,O. }}} Result: You might recall ''a''^2^ `+` ''b''^2^ `=` ''c''^2^ from your math lessons, unless your head is filled with H,,2,,O. <<Anchor(codeexample)>> === Code blocks === Markup: {{{{ {{{ 10 PRINT "Hello, world!" 20 GOTO 10 }}} }}}} Result: {{{ 10 PRINT "Hello, world!" 20 GOTO 10 }}} ==== Nesting curly braces ==== As pointed out on HelpOnParsers, you can nest multiple levels of curly braces: Markup: {{{{{ {{{{ This is a preformatted text block. {{{ with curly braces inside }}} }}}} }}}}} Result: {{{{ This is a preformatted text block. {{{ with curly braces inside }}} }}}} <<Anchor(SyntaxHighlighting)>> ==== Colorized Code ==== Markup: {{{{ {{{#!highlight python from colors import palette palette.colorize('python') }}} }}}} Result: {{{#!highlight python from colors import palette palette.colorize('python') }}}