#acl FellowWGGroup:read,write,revert, All:read

= PSF Fellow Working Group =

Please note that this Working Group is still in process of being created. If you are interested in joining, you must be a PSF Fellow. Email ewa at python dot org.

== Agenda ==

This working group will review PSF Fellow applications and determine if they qualify to be a PSF Fellow Member.

== Resources ==

 * No financial resources needed

 * [[FellowWG/Charter|PSF Fellow WG Charter]]

 * List of nominees that the WG votes on: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/FellowNominations

== Mailing List ==

 * [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-fellow|PSF Fellow WG Mailing List]]

 The ML archives are set to private for the time being. Subscriptions must be approved by the admins. EwaJodlowska is the list admin. 

== Discussions ==

Discussions will happen on the mailing list.

== Administration ==

 * TBD (chair)
 * TBD (co-chair)

== Members ==

 * Naomi Ceder
 * Kushal Das
 * Thomas Wouters
 * Bruno Rocha
 * Stéphane Wirtel
 * Łukasz Langa
 * Chukwudi Nwachukwu
 * David Markey
 * Aisha Bello
 * Ngazetungue Muheue

== Meetings ==

 * As needed