#format rst ====================================== Python Software Foundation (PSF) Wiki ====================================== **Please note:** The wiki pages in this wiki default to *world readable*. Unlike in previous years, the wiki is no longer private. You do need to be in the `MembersGroup`_ to make changes. For this, you will need to create an account in this wiki (click on "Login" on the left). Please contact the staff for details (psf-staff@python.org). .. contents:: Board of Directors & Officers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Board_ pages (private pages for the Board of Directors only) - `Role of the Secretary <Secretary>`_ - `Candidates for the 2018 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2018>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2017 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2017>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2016 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2016>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2015 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2015>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2014 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2014>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2013 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2013>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2012 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2012>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2011 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2011>`_ (public page) - `Candidates for the 2010 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2010>`_ (public page) Members --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (these page are for members only) - `Members Meeting Agenda July 2014`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda March 2013`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda July 2012`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda March 2012`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda June 2011`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda March 2011`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda July 2010`_ - `Members Meeting Voting Procedure`_ - `Membership Map March 2013`_ - `Members Meeting Agenda Template <MembersAgenda>`_ New Membership Model (2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `The New PSF Membership Model <NewMembershipModel>`_ - `Membership Model Visualization <MembershipModelVisualization>`_ - `Talks on the new PSF membership model <MembershipModelTalks>`_ - `PSF Internal FAQ <PSFInternalFAQ>`_ - addressing questions regarding the membership model, work groups, organization, etc. PSF Working Groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Example PSF Workgroup Page`_ (includes info on how to begin a workgroup) - `Example PSF Workgroup Charter`_ - `PSF Bylaws WG <BylawsWG>`_ - `PSF Cuban Pythonistas WG <PythonCubaWG>`_ - `PSF Education WG <PythonEduWG>`_ - `PSF Fellow WG <FellowWG>`_ - `PSF Grants WG <GrantsWG>`_ - `PSF Infrastructure WG <InfrastructureWG>`_ - `PSF Jobs WG <JobsWG>`_ - `PSF Marketing WG <MarketingWG>`_ - `PSF Meta WG <MetaWG>`_ - `PSF Packaging WG <PackagingWG>`_ - `PSF Pydotorg WG <PydotorgWG>`_ (not active) - `PSF Scientific Python WG <ScientificWG>`_ - `PSF Sponsor WG <SponsorWG>`_ - `PSF Sponsorship Bundle WG <SponsorshipBundleWG>`_ - `PSF Translation WG <TranslationWG>`_ - `PSF Conduct WG <ConductWG/Charter>`_ - `PSF Funding WG <ProjectFundingWG>`_ - `PSF Diversity and Inclusion WG <DiversityandInclusionWG>`_ Staffing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Current PSF Staff and future staff goals`_ (May 2016) - `Conference Coordinator 2009`_ (out of date and not in use) - `Staffing Plan`_ (2008 proposal, out of date and not in use) - `Staff Conference Reports`_ PSF Projects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `PSF Project Summaries <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation>`_ (public) - (private pages can be added here) Certification Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is from 2008 and is not something that evolved into a PSF project. - `Certification Proposal`_ - Certification_ Q&A - `Certification Blackboard`_ (scratchpad for ideas) Fellow / Nominated Member Nominations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Current Nominations`_ (nominations for PSF Fellow membership) - `Nominations March 2013`_ (for March 2013 members' meeting) - `Nominations July 2012`_ (for July 2012 members' meeting) - `Nominations March 2012`_ (for March 2012 members' meeting) - `Nominations June 2011`_ (for June 2011 members' meeting) - `Nominations March 2011`_ (for March 2011 members' meeting) - `Nominations July 2010`_ (for July/August 2010 members' meeting) - `Nominations 2010`_ (for March/April 2010 members' meeting) - `Nominations 2009`_ (for March 2009 members' meeting) Trademarks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Trademarks Committee <TrademarksCommittee>`_ - `PyPI Logo Proposal <ProposedLogoForPyPI>`_ Planning --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Budget Planning <BudgetPlanning>`_ - `Strategic Planning <StrategicPlanning>`_ Communications --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Communications Status Reports <Communications>`_ (historical information & no longer in use) - `Communication Chair Processes <CommunicationChairProcesses>`_ - `PSF Blog <PSFBlog>`_ Community --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Community Relations`_ - `Community Conference Reports`_ Marketing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `PSF Press Kit`_ (logos, descriptions, pointers) - `PSF Logos`_ (official versions of the PSF logos) - `PSF Python Brochure`_ (marketing brochure for Python) - `Python Logos`_ (official versions of the Python logos) - SurveyQuestions_ - Running a Python booth at a local event: http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2009/python-at-atlanta-linux-fest/ - `Call for PSF Logos <CallForLogos>`_ - `PSF Conference Kit`_ (conference kits we have available to send to conferences) - `Merchandise`_ (merchandise ideas) Intellectual Property --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `PSF Domains`_ - `PSF SSL Certificates`_ - `Python Logo Font License`_ Howtos --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - `Preparing the Board Meeting Minutes <howto/Board_Minutes>`_ - `Info for new PSF members`_ - `Streaming PSF Members meetings`_ - `Using vote.python.org <howto/evote>`_ General --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WikiInstructions_: how to use this wiki - RecentChanges_: see where people are currently working - WikiSandBox_: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing - FindPage_: search or browse the database in various ways - SyntaxReference_: quick access to wiki syntax - SiteNavigation_: get an overview over this site and what it contains Access Control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This page and many of the pages linked to from this page, are editable by all members and readable world-wide (per default wiki settings). To make them readable only by members, use the following ACL definition:: #acl MembersGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All: Administrative --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MembersGroup_ - AdminGroup_ - BoardGroup_ - TmcGroup_ - ScientificWGGroup_ - PackagingWGGroup_ - SponsorWGGroup_ - FellowWGGroup_