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Python Software Foundation (PSF) Wiki

**Please note:** The wiki pages in this wiki default to *world readable*. Unlike in previous years, the wiki is no longer private. You do need to be in the `MembersGroup`_ to make changes. For this, you will need to create an account in this wiki (click on "Login" on the left). Please contact the staff for details (psf-staff@python.org).

.. contents::

Board of Directors & Officers
- Board_ pages (private pages for the Board of Directors only)
- `Role of the Secretary <Secretary>`_
- `Candidates for the 2018 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2018>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2017 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2017>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2016 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2016>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2015 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2015>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2014 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2014>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2013 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2013>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2012 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2012>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2011 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2011>`_ (public page)
- `Candidates for the 2010 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2010>`_ (public page)

(these page are for members only)

- `Members Meeting Agenda July 2014`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda March 2013`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda July 2012`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda March 2012`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda June 2011`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda March 2011`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda July 2010`_
- `Members Meeting Voting Procedure`_
- `Membership Map March 2013`_
- `Members Meeting Agenda Template <MembersAgenda>`_

New Membership Model (2013)
- `The New PSF Membership Model <NewMembershipModel>`_
- `Membership Model Visualization <MembershipModelVisualization>`_
- `Talks on the new PSF membership model <MembershipModelTalks>`_
- `PSF Internal FAQ <PSFInternalFAQ>`_ - addressing questions regarding the membership model, work groups, organization, etc.

PSF Working Groups
- `Example PSF Workgroup Page`_ (includes info on how to begin a workgroup)
- `Example PSF Workgroup Charter`_

- `PSF Bylaws WG <BylawsWG>`_
- `PSF Cuban Pythonistas WG <PythonCubaWG>`_
- `PSF Education WG <PythonEduWG>`_
- `PSF Fellow WG <FellowWG>`_
- `PSF Grants WG <GrantsWG>`_
- `PSF Infrastructure WG <InfrastructureWG>`_
- `PSF Jobs WG <JobsWG>`_
- `PSF Marketing WG <MarketingWG>`_
- `PSF Meta WG <MetaWG>`_
- `PSF Packaging WG <PackagingWG>`_
- `PSF Pydotorg WG <PydotorgWG>`_ (not active)
- `PSF Scientific Python WG <ScientificWG>`_
- `PSF Sponsor WG <SponsorWG>`_
- `PSF Sponsorship Bundle WG <SponsorshipBundleWG>`_
- `PSF Translation WG <TranslationWG>`_
- `PSF Conduct WG <ConductWG/Charter>`_
- `PSF Funding WG <ProjectFundingWG>`_
- `PSF Diversity and Inclusion WG <DiversityandInclusionWG>`_

- `Current PSF Staff and future staff goals`_ (May 2016)
- `Conference Coordinator 2009`_ (out of date and not in use)
- `Staffing Plan`_ (2008 proposal, out of date and not in use)
- `Staff Conference Reports`_ 

PSF Projects
- `PSF Project Summaries <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation>`_ (public)
- (private pages can be added here)

Certification Program
This section is from 2008 and is not something that evolved into a PSF project.

- `Certification Proposal`_
- Certification_ Q&A
- `Certification Blackboard`_ (scratchpad for ideas)

Fellow / Nominated Member Nominations
- `Current Nominations`_ (nominations for PSF Fellow membership)
- `Nominations March 2013`_ (for March 2013 members' meeting)
- `Nominations July 2012`_ (for July 2012 members' meeting)
- `Nominations March 2012`_ (for March 2012 members' meeting)
- `Nominations June 2011`_ (for June 2011 members' meeting)
- `Nominations March 2011`_ (for March 2011 members' meeting)
- `Nominations July 2010`_ (for July/August 2010 members' meeting)
- `Nominations 2010`_ (for March/April 2010 members' meeting)
- `Nominations 2009`_ (for March 2009 members' meeting)

- `Trademarks Committee <TrademarksCommittee>`_
- `PyPI Logo Proposal <ProposedLogoForPyPI>`_

- `Budget Planning <BudgetPlanning>`_
- `Strategic Planning <StrategicPlanning>`_

- `Communications Status Reports <Communications>`_ (historical information & no longer in use)
- `Communication Chair Processes <CommunicationChairProcesses>`_
- `PSF Blog <PSFBlog>`_

- `Community Relations`_
- `Community Conference Reports`_

- `PSF Press Kit`_ (logos, descriptions, pointers)
- `PSF Logos`_ (official versions of the PSF logos)
- `PSF Python Brochure`_ (marketing brochure for Python)
- `Python Logos`_ (official versions of the Python logos)
- SurveyQuestions_
- Running a Python booth at a local event: http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2009/python-at-atlanta-linux-fest/
- `Call for PSF Logos <CallForLogos>`_
- `PSF Conference Kit`_ (conference kits we have available to send to conferences)
- `Merchandise`_ (merchandise ideas)

Intellectual Property
- `PSF Domains`_
- `PSF SSL Certificates`_
- `Python Logo Font License`_

- `Preparing the Board Meeting Minutes <howto/Board_Minutes>`_
- `Info for new PSF members`_
- `Streaming PSF Members meetings`_
- `Using vote.python.org <howto/evote>`_

- WikiInstructions_: how to use this wiki
- RecentChanges_: see where people are currently working
- WikiSandBox_: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing
- FindPage_: search or browse the database in various ways
- SyntaxReference_: quick access to wiki syntax
- SiteNavigation_: get an overview over this site and what it contains

Access Control

This page and many of the pages linked to from this page, are editable by all members and readable world-wide (per default wiki settings).

To make them readable only by members, use the following ACL definition::

    #acl MembersGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:

- MembersGroup_
- AdminGroup_
- BoardGroup_
- TmcGroup_
- ScientificWGGroup_
- PackagingWGGroup_
- SponsorWGGroup_
- FellowWGGroup_