#format rst Communications Report for 2010-11-20 ==================================== Issues / Blockages ------------------ None Continued Activities from Last Month ------------------------------------ 1. Send announcement email about the blog to various mailing lists (c.l.py, c.l.py.announce, etc.). *No progress.* New Activities -------------- 1. PyTexas Grant post by Mike Driscoll http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/10/psf-granted-pytexas-2011-us750.html 2. 2011 Frank Willison Memorial Award post http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/10/2011-frank-willison-memorial-award.html Planned for Next Month ---------------------- 1. Jessica McKellar is preparing a post on the Boston Python Workshop program and the recent grant. 2. Brian Curtin is working on a post about the video equipment purchased by the PSF and how it has been used to record conference talks and other events. Ongoing Projects ---------------- 1. Recruiting other people to help write for the blog. A few volunteers have expressed interest, but things are getting off to a slow start. I hope to have some more interesting topics to give them after the August Board meeting. 2. Mike Driscoll is working on a retrospective post summarizing all of the funding we have provided for conferences over the last year. We will wait to publish until closer to the end of 2011. 3. Begin transition plan so Brian Curtin can take over as Communications Director around the time of the next Board elections after PyCon 2012. Tabled Activities ----------------- 1. PyCon video equipment loan/rental program post There was some discussion of offering the PyCon video equipment to PUGs for their meetings, but the mechanism to do it isn't in place, yet.