#format rst

Communications Report for 2011-08-10

Issues / Blockages


Continued Activities from Last Month

1. Finding additional writers

   I have been able to recruit a couple of new team members and we are
   working on catching up with the backlog of announcements.

New Activities

1. July Election Results


2. PyCon DE 2011 Funding


3. Added RuPy promotion to the python.org front page and posted on twitter.

4. We missed the window to publish a few announcements of funding for
   conferences that have already passed. Mike Driscoll is working on a
   retrospective post summarizing all of the funding we have provided
   for conferences over the last year. We will wait to publish until
   closer to the end of 2011.

Planned for Next Month


Ongoing Projects

1. Post about common trademark use.

   *No progress*

2. Interviews with GSoC students.

   I don't have enough staff or personal time to do this, so I think
   we're going to have to pass again this year. If the GSoC mentors or
   students want to write up anything about their projects, we can
   publish the details on the blog (or link to them elsewhere).

Tabled Activities

1. Writing about new PyCon website software.

2. Paulo Nuin is working on a post about the PyPI mirroring project.