#format rst Communications Report for 2011-04-11 ==================================== Issues / Blockages ------------------ None Continued Activities from Last Month ------------------------------------ 1. Paulo Nuin finished the post on the email project. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/04/psf-grant-funds-porting-work-for-email.html 2. Announced grant to fund Python Miro Community. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/03/funding-python-miro-community.html 3. Launched "Python Insider" blog. We started a new blogging project in partnership with the python-dev team to publicize the volunteer efforts from that group. See http://blog.python.org/ for the results. After recruiting a few contributors at PyCon (Anthony Scopatz, Paul Moore, and Brian Curtin), the project had good momentum. We started by creating a list of topics and a backlog of "easy" material to publish to keep the schedule relatively full (the "Meet the Team" series of mini-interviews). Several core developers have also signed up to write posts on their own, and we have had at least one substantive post per week since the blog launched. The blog design was contributed by Marcin Wojtczuk. It includes a blogroll linking to posts on the blogs for individual developers. After the launch, I handed over management of the project to Brian Curtin. As lead blogger, Brian will triage and schedule topics and take care of the administrative work of keeping the blog running week-to-week. I will continue to act as an advisor. The next major project for Python Insider is establishing Spanish and Japanese translation sites. Translators for both languages have already stepped forward, so we just need to set up the actual blogging software and DNS entries. Other translations are welcome, so if anyone wants to volunteer please have them contact me. I don't plan to include detailed information about Python Insider in the Communications team status report every month (I won't link to every post, as I do for the Foundation blog), but I will provide highlights of significant projects and work. New Activities -------------- 1. Anthony Scopatz wrote a post about the official call for projects and mentors for GSoC. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/03/google-summer-of-code-call-for-projects.html 2. Paulo Nuin announced the availability of videos from PyCon 2011. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/03/pycon-2011-videos.html 3. Anthony Scopatz posted a Call for Papers from SciPy 2011. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/03/scipy-2011-call-for-papers.html 4. I linked to the minutes for the members' meeting at PyCon 2011. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/03/minutes-for-members-meeting-of-march-11.html 5. Announcement for the GSoC Student Application deadline. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/03/gsoc-student-applications-open.html 6. Paulo Nuin and I worked on a post about the EuroPython call for presentations. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/04/europython-2011-call-for-presentations.html 7. Mike Driscoll posted about the grant for EuroPython. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/04/psf-grants-europython-us2000.html 8. Mike Driscoll posted about the grant for Kiwi PyCon. http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2011/04/kiwi-pycon-receives-us2000.html Planned for Next Month ---------------------- 1. Work with Jesse Noller to announce the Python-core Mentors project. 2. Post a request for help with PSF logos. 3. Post about common trademark use. 4. Discuss the PyPy grant. Ongoing Projects ---------------- Facebook stats | 15,586 monthly active users (up 34%) | 1,930 new likes | 485,415 post views (up 215%) | 666 post feedback Tabled Activities ----------------- 1. We missed our window of opportunity to write about the new PyCon web site. We'll pick it up right after the conference, when the people we need to interview aren't as busy. Engelbert Gruber has prepared interview questions for the post. 2. Paulo Nuin is working on a post about the PyPI mirroring project.