Communications Report 2010-06-07

Authors: Doug Hellmann (

Completed Activities

  1. Set up the PSF blog ( to be used as a reliable means of communicating with members. It now includes Feedburner support, giving us RSS/Atom as well as email distribution. It is connected to the Twitter account ( so that new posts are automatically published there as well.
  2. Posts published:
2010 Q2 Community Service Award Nominations
PyCon 2010 Conference Grants
PSF Board of Directors for 2010-2011
More PyCon 2010 Conference Grants
Have You Signed a Python Developer Contributor Agreement Yet?
PSF Sponsored Sprints
  1. Discussed marketing brochure(s) with Marc-Andre. He is going to work directly with his contact in Germany, with input but not a lot of direct involvement from me.

Planned Activities

  1. Establish a Facebook page and connect it to the blog as well.
  2. Posts to write:

    Board Offers
    Names and responsibilities.
    Infrastructure Committee
    Sean as chairman; other members; recusal agreement; planned improvements; updates
    Trademarks Committee
    David as chairman; other members; responsibilities
    PyCon 2010 Report
    Final attendance numbers; financial aid granted (not by name, just totals); sprint outcome; anything we know we will do differently next year

Feedback Needed

  1. Are there any other social networks or tools I should be investigating as communication channels? I looked into LinkedIn, but it isn't clear that this sort of news would be welcome in the existing Python Community group (and I'm not sure there's a way to publish automatically).
  2. Does the vote on Exoweb sponsor membership from the May meeting warrant a post? It would be a good excuse to talk about how other companies can become sponsors, but I can do that without mentioning Exoweb directly.
  3. So far I have been writing posts based on the Board meeting minutes. If there are topics you think I should write about that aren't covered in the minutes, let me know.

Communications/Status-2010-06 (last edited 2010-07-12 14:21:59 by DougHellmann)

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