= PSF Bylaws Working Group =

''Note:'' When creating new wiki pages related to this group, please use wiki subpages, e.g. BylawsWG/Charter.

== Agenda ==

Convert the new membership model description from NewMembershipModel into bylaws changes.

== Resources ==

=== Bylaws changes in 2016 ===

 * Change to turn sponsor members into sponsors (without voting rights): https://bitbucket.org/malemburg/psf-bylaws/diff/bylaws.md?diff1=ba846896778b&diff2=fa6ce90a3f1376b2708bf76d87c70813f96e010a&at=default; moved forward by Ewa Jodlowska and mostly implemented by Ned Batchelder.

=== Bylaws changes implemented for the new bylaws in 2014 ===

 * Bitbucket repository with the new bylaws draft: https://bitbucket.org/vanl/psf-bylaws

 * Significant changes/proposals:

  - Addition of section "Section 5.14. Non-partisan Board": https://bitbucket.org/vanl/psf-bylaws/pull-request/3/non-partisan-board-requirement-using-the/diff

 * PDF with notes from before the repository was set up: [[attachment:PythonSoftwareFoundationBylaws_33223534-2013-10-09.pdf]]

 * PDF showing the diff between the current bylaws and the new proposal as-of 2013-10-09: [[attachment:PythonSoftwareFoundationBylaws_33223534-2013-10-09-diff-to-current.pdf]]

== Mailing List ==

 * [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-bylaws-wg|PSF Bylaws WG Mailing List]]

 The ML archives are set to private for the time being. Subscriptions must be approved by the admins. VanLindberg and MarcAndreLemburg are the list admins.

== Memberhip Model ==

 * [[https://wiki.python.org/psf/NewMembershipModel?action=recall&rev=7|1.1.1]] - version of the NewMembershipModel page that was approved by the PSF in the March 2013 members vote
 * [[MembershipModelVisualization|Membership Model Visualization]]
 * [[http://psf2013.election.name/evote/default/results/40|March 2013 ballot with the original text that the membership voted on]]

== Bylaws ==

 * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EeF_SG6aABmVztROW9-C3xsPC0TSvpMHKeC-YdjxtrQ/edit|Working draft of the new bylaws]]
 * [[http://www.python.org/psf/bylaws/|Current bylaws]]

== Administration ==

 * Chair: VanLindberg
 * [[BylawsWG/Charter|PSF Bylaws WG Charter]]

== Meetings ==

 * December 10, 2013: Changes made during meeting can be seen here: https://bitbucket.org/vanl/psf-bylaws/commits/all
 * December 17, 2013: Changes made during meeting can be seen here: https://bitbucket.org/vanl/psf-bylaws/commits/all
 * January 24, 2013: Agenda for this meeting can be seen here: [[BylawsWG/BylawsAgenda|Agenda for January 24, 2014]]