##master-page:HomepageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date ## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. #format wiki #language en = Anıl Tuncel = Python Software Foundation Contributing Member. * Email: anil.tuncel@alumni.ethz.ch * GitHub: [[https://github.com/anilbey | anilbey]] * LinkedIn: [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/aniltuncel/]] * Twitter: [[https://twitter.com/anilbey | @anilbey ]] * Publications: [[https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=bTmGQ3cAAAAJ&hl=en | Google Scholar]] * Selected Talks * [[https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10892/presentation/41705 | Society for Neuroscience 2023]] | Exploring the Blue Brain Project’s open source single cell electrical modeling suite * [[https://ep2019.europython.eu/conference/talks/pT3C5ZZ-bioinformatics-pipeline-for-revealing-tumour-heterogeneity.html | EuroPython Conference 2019]] | Bioinformatics pipeline for revealing tumour heterogeneity * [[https://www.oxfordglobal.co.uk/resources/copy-number-phylogenetics-for-single-cells/|Oxford Global Next Generation Sequencing and Clinical Diagnostics Congress 2020]] | Copy Number Phylogenetics for Single Cells * [[https://itukraine.org.ua/en/octopuscon-python-edition.html | OctopusCon Python Edition 2019]] Bioinformatics pipeline for revealing tumour heterogeneity * [[https://ep2022.europython.eu/session/emodelrunner-a-python-package-to-run-online-available-biological-neuron-model-implementations | EuroPython Conference 2022]] | EModelRunner: a Python package to run online available biological neuron model implementations * [[https://annual-meeting.ls2.ch/2024/program/schedule | LS2 Annual Meeting 2024 ]] Deciphering Neuronal Signals with the Electrophys Feature Extraction Library (eFEL) ## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank. ... ---- CategoryHomepage