One of the most-frequently asked questions of all time is this: "I have a Python application I've developed; how do I deliver it to my customer/friend/...?" Here are typical answers: * tar up the source and send it. It's reasonable to expect that the end-user's host will have Python installed. MacOS comes that way; most Linux distributions do; and Python is easy enough to install under Windows * for Windows, use MovablePython; * for this purpose, [[Pyrex]] can be regarded as a language variant to Python itself; * [[Freeze]] * [[cx Freeze]] * [[MacPython/py2app|py2app]] is for Macintosh * [[py2exe]] * PyInstaller (supports Windows, Linux and soon Mac) * [[Esky]] (adds a bootstrap executable and allows to auto-update your applications over the network or from local directory; supports Windows, Linux and Mac) * [[Pyarmor]] (obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts) FredrikLundh [[|discussed]] some of these in 2003. As of 2007, py2exe perhaps is second in use only to source distribution.