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Eggs and Buildout Deployment in Python


  • Virtualenv
  • Distutils
  • Setuptools
  • Buildout


  1. Installing Tools for the Class

    $ cd /tmp
    $ sudo python
    $ sudo easy_install virtualenv
    $ sudo easy_install zc.buildout
  2. Instantiating a Sandbox or Two

    $ virtualenv pycon -or-
    $ virtualenv --no-site-packages pycon
    $ cd pycon
    $ bin/python
    $ source bin/activate -or- activate.bat
    $ deactivate
    • explore:
      • directory tree
      • sys.path
    • for each kind of sandbox
  3. Processing Distributions

    1. Grab a source distribution

      $ /sandbox/bin/easy_install --editable --build-directory . SQLObject==0.9.5
      $ /sandbox/bin/easy_install --editable --build-directory . SQLObject==dev

      Examine its directory structure and common files.

    2. Query the list of available distribution formats.

      $ cd sqlobject
      $ /sandbox/bin/python sdist --help-formats
      $ /sandbox/bin/python bdist --help-formats
    3. Build and package it as a binary distribution.

      $ /sandbox/bin/python build
      $ /sandbox/bin/python install
      $ /sandbox/bin/python bdist --formats=tar,egg,rpm

      Examine the run output and the table-of-contents of the distribution archive afterward. Note the way that metadata is stored.

    4. Repackage it as a source distribution

      $ /sandbox/bin/python sdist --formats=zip

      Examine the run output and the table-of-contents of the source archive. Note the different way that metadata is stored.

    5. Try to import it, then run the "develop" cmd and try again.

      $ cd /sandbox
      $ /sandbox/bin/python
      $ import sqlobject
      $ cd /sandbox/sqlobject
      $ /sandbox/bin/python develop
  4. ???
  5. Create a simple buildout around an egg and experiment with it.

    1. Create an empty buildout area.

      $ virtualenv --no-site-packages pycon
      $ cd pycon
      $ buildout init
    2. Put into it a simple egg by creating a "buildout.cfg" file:

      parts = mypython
      prefer-final = true

      recipe = zc.recipe.egg
      interpreter = dbpython
      eggs = SQLObject
    3. Invoke "bin/buildout" and examine the output messages, the directory structure and the dbpython script.

      Test for what version got installed and where it came from.

      $ bin/dbpython
      >>> import sqlobject
      >>> sqlobject.__file__
    4. Force it to use a specific version of SQLObject.

      eggs = SQLObject==0.9

      Test for what version got installed and where it came from.

      $ bin/dbpython
      >>> import sqlobject
      >>> sqlobject.__file__
    5. Remove that constraint and grab its source distribution.

      $ bin/easy_install --editable -b . SQLObject

      Alter "buildout.cfg" file to make it a development egg:

      develop = sqlobject

      Test for what version got installed and where it came from.

      $ bin/dbpython
      >>> import sqlobject
      >>> sqlobject.__file__
  6. ???

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