== Alex Dzul ( Sr. Python & Django Developer). ==
Email: alexexc2@gmail.com

I am part of the Latin community that promotes Python Languaje.

== Python Communities. ==
 * [[http://pythoniza.me|Pythonízame]]. World Python News in Spanish
 * [[http://youtube.com/alexexc2|Video blog Django]]. Youtube Channel to learn Django Framework in spanish.
 * [[http://alex-django.blogspot.mx/|Django Blogspot]]. Django Blog in Spanish.

== Pypi Packages. ==
 * [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi?name=pyql-weather&version=0.1&:action=display|pyql-weather]]. Yahoo Weather in Python.

== Current Job. ==
Grupo Plenum.

Innovation & Research Department.
I'm responsible for leading software projects that require a scientific and research work in the area of agribusiness, education and turism. Most projects are developed in python.

== Skills Programmer. ==
 * Django. Web Framework for Python.
 * PySide. Part of the Qt Libraries.
 * Relational databases with Postgresql, Sqlite, Mysql.
 * MongoDB. Non rel Data bases.
 * Bottle. Micro web Frameworks for Python.
 * Flask. Micro web Frameworks for Python.
 * PyAgrum. For Bayes Networks programming.