= VanPyZ futures talks = * Henry Precheur: * [[http://wsgi.org/wsgi/|WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)]]: WSGI powers all modern Python web frameworks. It provides a unified way to talk HTTP. (Talk can be 30 mins to 1h30 long.) * [[http://www.sqlalchemy.org/|SQLAchemy]]: The SQLAlchemy SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper is a comprehensive set of tools for working with databases and Python. * Dethe Elza [[http://www.reportlab.org/|ReportLab]] * Doug Latornell: * I've been looking at [[http://couchdb.apache.org/|CouchDB]] for a potential project at work. I haven't delved too deeply yet, but if the project gets the go-ahead, I should be able to talk about CouchDB in, say, January, or February. This one would likely be about 30 minutes too, but it depends how much I know when I do it, and how many questions people have.