
= Python Testing Frameworks =

 * [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html|Unittest]]  -- full-featured unit testing system, inspired by Java's JUnit. Part of the Python Standard Library (as an external project it was called PyUnit).
 * [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html|DocTest]]  -- lightweight testframework, allows you to embed tests directly in the docstrings, making it easy to combine code examples and test cases in one place. Part of the Python Standard Library.
 * [[https://docs.pytest.org|PyTest]] -- alternative to PyUnit and with a simpler syntax.
 * [[https://docs.nose2.io/en/latest/|nose2]] -- a discovery-based framwork that extends unittest (successor to `nose`). 
 * [[https://github.com/Yelp/Testify/wiki|Testify]] -- Pythonic testing framework compatible with unittest tests.
 * [[https://robotframework.org/|Robot]] -- Framework for test automation and robotic process automation (not just for Python).
 * [[https://pypi.org/project/lettuce/|Behave]] -- Framework for Behavior-Driven Development.
 * [[https://hypothesis.works/|Hypothesis]] -- Powerful property-based testing.

These are useful for TestDrivenDevelopment

See also: TestHarnessDesign