This page is derived from [[TrackerDevelopment]]. Not only does this cover installing under a virtualenv, but it also covers installing Rietveld. That part is not entirely finished, however. <<TableOfContents>> = Before You Get Started = == Prerequisites == 1. Python 2.7 (or 3?) 2. pip (under same Python) 3. svn 4. postgresql 9 server (devel) 5. openssl (devel) 6. swig 7. patch 8. virtualenvwrapper (pip install virtualenvwrapper) == Will be Installed == 1. psycopg2 2. beautifulsoup 3. m2crypto == Environment Variables == Set them however you like! {{{ export WORKON_HOME=~/.envs export PROJECT_DIR=~/projects export MAIL_DOMAIN=spam.eggs export TRACKER_HOST=localhost export TRACKER_PORT=9999 }}} == virtualenvwrapper Initial Setup == {{{ echo "export WORKON_HOME=$WORKON_HOME" >> ~/.bashrc mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME source `which` }}} = The Main Course = == Initial Preparation == {{{ mkvirtualenv tracker # leaves you in the virtual environment pip install psycopg2 pip install beautifulsoup pip install m2crypto # cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/build/m2crypto chmod u+x ./ build ./ install echo 'export PGDATA=$VIRTUAL_ENV/pg_data' >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate }}} == Set Up Postgresql == {{{ workon tracker mkdir $PGDATA pg_ctl initdb # if needed, fix auth in $VIRTUAL_ENV/pg_data/pg_hba.conf pg_ctl start psql -c 'create user roundup' postgresql psql -c 'alter user roundup with createdb' postgresql }}} == Install Roundup == {{{ workon tracker cd $PROJECT_DIR svn co cd tracker/roundup-src python install }}} == Configure the Python-Dev Instance == {{{ workon tracker cd $PROJECT_DIR/tracker/instances/python-dev mkdir db echo postgresql > db/backend_name cp config.ini.template config.ini # and adjust settings sed -i "s/localhost:9999/$TRACKER_HOST:$TRACKER_PORT/" config.ini sed -i "s/#domain = NO DEFAULT/domain = $MAIL_DOMAIN/" sed -i 's/\(def init(db):.*\)$/\1\n return/' detectors/ $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/roundup-admin -i `pwd` init }}} == Fire It Up == {{{ workon tracker cd $PROJECT_DIR/tracker/instances/python-dev echo "export RU_INSTANCE=`pwd`" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo "export RU_HOST=$TRACKER_HOST" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo "export RU_PORT=$TRACKER_PORT" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo '"alias start-roundup=$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/roundup-server -n $RU_HOST -p $RU_PORT python-dev=$RU_INSTANCE"' >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo '"alias admin-roundup=$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/roundup-admin -i $RU_INSTANCE"' >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate start-roundup # and point your browser to localhost:9999 }}} == Install Rietveld == This part isn't working all the way, and is likely incorrect/missing pieces. {{{ workon tracker cd $PROJECT_DIR/tracker/instances/python-dev/rietveld make all cd $PROJECT_DIR/tracker/instances/python-dev/detectors ../scripts/initrietveld }}}