Differences between revisions 2 and 9 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2014-04-24 18:07:18
Size: 1138
Editor: EzioMelotti
Comment: Switch to rst.
Revision 9 as of 2014-08-06 20:50:59
Size: 3591
Editor: EzioMelotti
Comment: Update resolution states.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  :class: table-of-contents
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Certain things in the UI may trigger depending on how the user is classified.
The current roundup 'Developer' role is modified into the following sub-roles:

    * Triage
    * Committer
    * Release Manager

Change possible 'resolved' states to the following:

    * fixed
    * won't fix
    * duplicate
    * postponed
    * not a bug
    * third party

These 6 states are already present, but there are 5 additional ones that should be removed: later, out of date, rejected, remind, works for me.

Replace both 'components' and 'keywords' by a more comprehensive tagging
system. Initially at least these will all be 'official' tags, listed
in the developer's guide and settable via autocomplete in a text field.
The list of values should be every category currently in the experts
list, plus:

    * resource usage
    * performance
    * security issue
    * segfault/abort
    * stuck
    * buildbot
    * bite sized
    * release blocker (for each active release)
    * deferred blocker (for each active release)

Change Types to:

    * documentation
    * bug
    * enhancement

Change 'assigned to' so that it can be any valid user, and it is automatically
reset to 'no one' after N days or an issue state change.

New 'state' field will eventually replace both 'stage' and 'status' (see http://imgur.com/a/UgJBJ for a diagram).

    * new
    * information needed
    * decision needed
    * patch needed
    * review needed
    * patch update needed
    * commit review needed
    * resolved (with one of the resolved states)


    * high
    * normal
    * low

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* Determine if the file is a patch or not;
* Determine what files are affected by the patch (and possibly add the module/package names as tags);
* Determine if the patch contains tests, docs, Misc/NEWS entry, Misc/ACKS, etc.;
* Determine if the patch contains trailing whitespace or PEP 8 violations;
* Determine on which branches the patches apply on without conflicts (with a way to re-check it on demand or periodically);
* Determine if the file is a patch or not
* Determine what files are affected by the patch (and possibly add the
module/package names as tags)
* Determine if the patch contains tests, docs, Misc/NEWS entry, Misc/ACKS,
  What's New (etc?)

* Determine if the patch contains trailing whitespace or PEP 8 violations
* Determine on which branches the patches apply on without conflicts (with a
way to re-check it on demand or periodically)

Somewhat controversial: a set of checkboxes for the items from the above
that are required for this particular issue's patch.
Line 33: Line 99:
* Add a dashboard page similar to https://dashboard.djangoproject.com/ (global + per user?);
* Show the role of users (normal user, developer/triager, committer) with an icon or tooltip;
* Show a "clip" icon in the issue list page for issues with a patch;
* Have only title/message/state in the default user view, with a sticky (either
  per-user or per-browser (via cookies)) setting to also show the other fields.
  (No 'state' in the 'new issue' view).
* Show the role of users (normal user, developer/triager, committer) with an
  icon or tooltip
* **DONE** Show a "clip" icon in the issue list page for issues with a patch (see http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta/issue550)


Add a dashboard page similar to https://dashboard.djangoproject.com/ (global
+ per user?).

Experiment with a dashboard that actually lists the top messages in each
state, arranged in the order of interest to the user based on their
role (user, triager, committer).

'stuck' issues are sorted to bottom of queue.

'information needed' queue should list only issues that have been in that
state for longer than N days.

This page outlines a plan to improve the Bug Tracker at http://bugs.python.org.

See also the TrackerDevelopment page and the DesiredTrackerFeatures pages.


Certain things in the UI may trigger depending on how the user is classified. The current roundup 'Developer' role is modified into the following sub-roles:

  • Triage
  • Committer
  • Release Manager

Change possible 'resolved' states to the following:

  • fixed
  • won't fix
  • duplicate
  • postponed
  • not a bug
  • third party

These 6 states are already present, but there are 5 additional ones that should be removed: later, out of date, rejected, remind, works for me.

Replace both 'components' and 'keywords' by a more comprehensive tagging system. Initially at least these will all be 'official' tags, listed in the developer's guide and settable via autocomplete in a text field. The list of values should be every category currently in the experts list, plus:

  • resource usage
  • performance
  • security issue
  • segfault/abort
  • stuck
  • buildbot
  • bite sized
  • release blocker (for each active release)
  • deferred blocker (for each active release)

Change Types to:

  • documentation
  • bug
  • enhancement

Change 'assigned to' so that it can be any valid user, and it is automatically reset to 'no one' after N days or an issue state change.

New 'state' field will eventually replace both 'stage' and 'status' (see http://imgur.com/a/UgJBJ for a diagram).

  • new
  • information needed
  • decision needed
  • patch needed
  • review needed
  • patch update needed
  • commit review needed
  • resolved (with one of the resolved states)


  • high
  • normal
  • low

Other features

User Interface

  • Have only title/message/state in the default user view, with a sticky (either per-user or per-browser (via cookies)) setting to also show the other fields. (No 'state' in the 'new issue' view).
  • Show the role of users (normal user, developer/triager, committer) with an icon or tooltip
  • DONE Show a "clip" icon in the issue list page for issues with a patch (see http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta/issue550)


Add a dashboard page similar to https://dashboard.djangoproject.com/ (global + per user?).

Experiment with a dashboard that actually lists the top messages in each state, arranged in the order of interest to the user based on their role (user, triager, committer).

'stuck' issues are sorted to bottom of queue.

'information needed' queue should list only issues that have been in that state for longer than N days.


TrackerDevelopmentPlanning (last edited 2016-01-05 05:47:11 by EzioMelotti)

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