The {{{codecs.StreamRecoder}}} class re-encodes data between 2 character sets.  Its constructor expects the information on 2 character sets in different forms.   The user should specify the internal character set as a pair of {{{encoder}}} and {{{decoder}}}.  She should provide the external character set by supplying class definitions of a codec-specific {{{StreamReader}}} and {{{StreamWriter}}}.

Pseudocode of {{{codecs.StreamRecoder}}} of the Python2.5 version:

class StreamRecoder:
    def __init__(self, stream, e, d, class_sr, class_sw):
        # internal encoder, decoder^  ^external decoder, encoder
        self.r = class_sr(stream)
        self.w = class_sw(stream)

    def read(self):
        return self.e(

    def write(self, data):
        return self.w.write(self.d(data))

The {{{codecs}}} module defines a function {{{codecs.EncodedFile()}}} that will return an instance of {{{StreamRecoder}}} according to the supplied internal and external character sets.

See also: StreamReader, StreamWriter, StreamReaderWriter.