As of Python2.5, {{{StreamReader}}} wraps (contains) a stream. It defines {{{read}}} and other respective methods to read the data from the stream and "decode" them. The class exposes all other methods of the stream instance. Pseudocode of the {{{codecs.StreamReader}}} definition: {{{ #!python class StreamReader(Codec): def __init__(self, stream): .... def read(self): return self.decode( }}} The {{{decode}}} method normally converts values of type {{{str}}} to {{{unicode}}}. Codec modules will attach the {{{decode}}} method to the class definition derived from {{{StreamReader}}} during the initialization. An excerpt from {{{encodings.utf_8.StreamReader}}}: {{{ #!python class StreamReader(codecs.StreamReader): decode = codecs.utf_8_decode }}} ---- See also: StreamWriter, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder. ---- CategoryUnicode