#pragma section-numbers off A framework for WebProgramming. === Masthead === URL:: http://spyce.sf.net version:: 2.1.3 (''<<Date(2006-11-17T00:00:00)>>'') licence:: OSI approved licence - open source. (See http://sourceforge.net/projects/spyce/files/spyce/ ) platforms:: Spyce should work on most platforms. Python versions:: 2.3 or later. === Deployment Platforms === * Integrated with Apache using mod_python or with any Web server using CGI. * With CGI, the lifespan of a program is determined by the Web server, but mod_python should provide long-lived processes. === Suitability === The deployment of applications using CGI is usually permitted in all but the most restrictive hosting environments. The use of mod_python may be more appropriate to in-house deployments or more comprehensive hosting environments. === Development Interfaces === * Python code inside HTML documents - comparable to ASP, JSP and PHP. * Spyce modules can be written in Python to provide extra functionality. === Environment Access === * Access to resources is primarily done using the Python module system and other general environment access techniques. === Session, Identification and Authentication === * Support for sessions which identify users is included, currently only with filesystem support for stored session information, although SQL-based storage seems to be planned. * No explicit authentication support seems to be included. === Persistence Support === * Apart from session information, no persistence mechanisms are included. === Presentation Support === * The embedded Python code concept gives a certain flexibility in presentation. * The Cheetah templating system is explicitly supported through a Spyce module. Other presentation systems could presumably be used instead, given the ability to use other Python modules in the framework. === InTheirOwnWords === === Comments === Spyce addresses many areas of interest to Web application developers within a widely-known *SP paradigm: sessions, pooled objects, templating, and so on. Some novel features are also supported: automatons, for example, which attempt to encapsulate multi-stage transactions (or "application flows" as the documentation calls them). However, by design, Spyce does not attempt to provide everything - it aims to do dynamic Web content generation well and integrate with other things easily (see http://spyce.sourceforge.net/). Moreover, it can also be used as a standalone processing tool completely outside a Web application environment. -- PaulBoddie