= Europython = For the seventh year running, the Python and Zope developers of Europe are gathering at the Europython conference. This year, just as last, we are in Vilnius, Lithuania. The event spans 3 days, with 2-5 days of development sprints for several different Python based projects after the conference. Europython is a community conference, organised by unpaid volunteers. Formally it is run by the Europython Society, which is a non-profit organisation under Swedish law. = Program = Europython has a large number of talks on subjects at the forefront of Python development, ranging from core language topics to frameworks and specific applications. In addition, there are specific themes each year covering areas that are peripheral to the Python language. For instance, we have themes covering Python in Science, Python in Education and the use of Agile Methodologies in program development. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, gives a keynote speech each year and another keynote is given by someone who can give the attendees a different perspective on what they do. For example, we have had Mark Shuttleworth, Eric Raymond and Alan Kay as keynote speakers. Other standing features of the conference are lightning talks, open space sessions and a conference dinner. = Attendees = All together this makes Europython an excellent enviroment for exchanging new ideas and this is very much what the attendees come for. Normal attendance is about 250 people. About 85% come from Europe, 10% from North America and 5% from the rest of the world. Return rate is very high, with about 10% of the attendees having attended all the prior conferences. A large majority of the attendees are developers active in various Free Software projects based on the Python programming language. = Location = Europython rotates between different sites in Europe. It is our policy to hold the conference two years in a row in the same location before moving to a new location. The first two conferences were held in Charleroi, Belgium, followed by two years in Göteborg, Sweden and one year at CERN, Switzerland. In order to support the development of Python communities in the new EU member states and other former eastern bloc countries, Vilnius was chosen as the location for Europython 2007 and 2008. This was very successful, with many developers from the Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland attending in 2007. We expect an even larger turnout in 2008. = Sponsoring = The Europython Society invites sponsors to help make Europython 2008 a success. Considerable efforts and financial resources are necessary to run Europython. In order to ensure a successful conference the community needs to address a wide range of logistical and organisational challenges. By sponsoring Europython you are giving invaluable practical help to one of the most important Free Software community conferences. Europython attendees and guests sometimes require assistance with travel and accommodation expenses, and sponsorship enables us to include those who would otherwise be unable to attend. The attendees of Europython include professional developers from large enterprises and smaller firms as well as people from academia. Delegates come to present their latest developments, get feedback from their peers, discuss future directions and actually sit down and work together on improving their software. With Python on the verge of becoming a major enterprise programming language and platform, sponsoring Europython is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate industry leadership. The attendance of !PyCon, the equivalent annual Python conference in the USA, increased from 400 delegates in 2007 to approximately 1000 in 2008. We believe this is the first sign of Python becoming accepted in the enterprise and that attendance at Python conferences in Europe will increase in a similar way. Europython is also an excellent place to recruit Python professionals, as the most talented people in Europe attend the conference. At Europython 2007 there were several people from eastern Europe actively searching for opportunities. = Sponsorship packages = == Gold sponsor (1 slot available) == € 12 000 Booth in the reception area Banner in the auditorium (1x2 m) Exposure as Gold sponsor on the Europython website Own conference room for one day Name included in press releases and pre-event mailings Large tote bag insert (to be provided by sponsor) 3 conference passes == Silver sponsor (3 slots available) == € 4 000 Booth in the reception area Banner in one of the conference rooms (1x2 m) Exposure as Silver sponsor on the Europython website Name included in pre-event mailings Small tote bag insert (to be provided by sponsor) 2 conference passes == Exhibitor (5 slots available) == € 1 200 Booth in the reception area Exposure as sponsor on the Europython website 1 conference pass == Reception food sponsor (1 slot available) == € 6 000 Banner in the auditorium (1x2 m) Banner at the reception (1x2 m) Exposure as Reception sponsor on the Europython website Large tote bag insert (to be provided by sponsor) == Reception beverage sponsor (1 slot available) == € 6 000 Banner in the auditorium (1x2 m) Banner at the reception (1x2 m) Exposure as Reception sponsor on the Europython website Large tote bag insert (to be provided by sponsor) == Lunch sponsor (3 slots available) == € 1 500 Banner in the auditorium (1x2 m) Banner in the lunch area for the day you sponsor lunch (1x2 m) Exposure as Lunch sponsor on the Europython website Small tote bag insert (to be provided by sponsor)