Notes about Python Security. == tav's jail == * Remove evil attributes like frame.f_globals or object.__subclasses__ * Remove evil builtins like compile(), import() or reload() == Zope security == * Sandboxing * Object proxies == Taint mode == Nicole King at one point wrote a taint mode for CPython 3.0, but the site ( is no longer functioning. Problems: * amaury: ''The patch is indeed huge!'' * fijall: ''it seems that every function that returns a PyObject must be modified'' * fijall: ''need to patch (...) all places that might modify anything. (All side effects)'' => ncoghlan: ''PyPy is still a *much* better platform for that kind of experimentation than CPython'' See also the presentation: [[|Securing Python: Controlling the abilities of the interpreter]], PyCon US 2007, Brett Cannon and Eric Wohlstadter Related issue: [[|Taint a la Perl?]]. == Python Security Response Team == Some members: * Brett Cannon Email: security AT == Controlling Access to Resources Within The Python Interpreter == * URL: [[|Python security paper online]] * Paper: [[|Controlling Access to Resources Within The Python Interpreter]], Brett Cannon and Eric Wohlstadter, University of British Columbia == Sandboxing == * PyPy project: [[|PyPy's sandboxing features]]. * [[|CapPython]] is an object-capability subset of Python, inspired by Joe-E and Caja/Cajita, which are object-capability subsets of Java and Javascript respectively. * SandboxedPython * [[How can I run an untrusted Python script safely (i.e. Sandbox)]] * [[|CPython in the web browser under Native Client]] == Unsafe modules == * os.kill(), os.chown(), os.unlink(), ... * imageop: many bugs * [[|CVE-2007-4965: Integer overflow in imageop module]] (2007-09 .. 2008-08) * [[|Buffer overflow in imageop module]] (rgb2rgb8): fixed in Python 2.6.1 and Python 3.0 == Fuzzing == Victor Stinner wrote a fuzzer called [[|Fusil]] to test Python. It already helped to fix many bugs. fusil-python works on Python 2.4 .. 3.0. Fusil was also used on PyPy ([[|Finding Bugs in PyPy with a Fuzzer]]).