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== Masthead ==

  License:: MIT
  Platforms:: Python 2.7, !PyPy 5.9, Python 3.5
  * [[https://pypi.org/project/libschevo/4.0.2|libschevo 4.0.2]]  (current/stable)
  Maintainer::  [[https://wiki.python.org/moin/EtienneRobillard|Etienne Robillard]]

== Synopsis ==

Next-generation Object-Oriented DBMS

== Features ==

 * Rapid Development
 * Rich Schema Definition
 * Automated Schema Evolution
 * Transaction Based
 * User Interface Generation
 * !PersistentMapping Transactions
 * BTrees 
 * Durus Backend Support 
 * ZODB Backend Support
 * !PyPy and Python 3 Support 

== Supported Python applications ==

 * [[Django]] 
 * Extended Durus 3.9 and [[ZODB]] support
 * PyGTK (require python 2.7)
 * gevent and !PyPy 
 * uWSGI 

== Pros ==
 * Persistent storage on top of [[Durus]] and [[ZODB]].
 * epoll support

== Cons ==
 * GTK2 bindings depends on Python 2.7

== See Also ==
 * [[https://www.isotopesoftware.ca/wiki/LibSchevo/SchevoEditor|SchevoEditor]]: A GTK2-based editor for Schevo databases
 * [[https://bitbucket.org/tkadm30/libschevo|Source code]]
 * [[https://www.isotopesoftware.ca/wiki/LibSchevo|LibSchevo Wiki]]