'''Here is a list of known Python-based Wiki:WikiEngines sorted by status and alphabetical order.'''

== Active Wikis ==

 * [[MoinMoin|MoinMoin]] -- an evolution over Wiki:PikiPiki that you're using here - multiple ways to run, plugin-based architecture with lots of plugins and large community, GPL2. (2022)
 * [[https://pwic.wiki|Pwic.wiki]] -- extendable wiki integrated with Markdown, SQLite and OpenDocument Text, AGPL3. (2022)
 * [[http://sahriswiki.org|SahrisWiki]] -- Mercurial backend support, plugins, MIT licensed. (2016)
 * [[http://sct.sphene.net|Sphene Community Tools]] -- Django based wiki and forum applications. (2018)
 * [[http://trac.edgewall.org|Trac]] -- an enhanced wiki, issue tracking and source code browser system. Supports multiple markup formats including [[MoinMoin|MoinMoin]], [[reStructuredText|reStructuredText]], html, and [[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/|textile]]. Runs as [[http://fastcgi.com|FastCGI]], WSGI or standalone. Pluggable architecture. Modified BSD License. (2022)
 * [[http://www.zim-wiki.org|zim-wiki]] - WYSIWIG personal/desktop wiki with index, links, image inclusion, checkboxes and bulleted lists, equations, graphviz; calendar, [[ToDo|ToDo]]; prints to clean html. Customizable, all-python over gtk2, inbuilt-server, uses filesystem as db; debian packaged. Documentation. GPL2. (2021)

== Unsupported Wikis ==

The following projects are available but no more maintained:

 * [[https://github.com/osborne6/luminotes|Luminotes]] -- a WYSIWYG personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and ideas. (2014)
 * [[https://github.com/zacharyvoase/markdoc|Markdoc]] -- a lightweight Markdown-based Wiki system, public domain. (Claimed as inactive)
 * [[https://leastfixedpoint.com/tonyg/kcbbs/projects/pyle.html|Pyle]] -- GPL wiki with multiple VCS backends, email notifications, edit by FTP and lot of other features. (2012)
 * [[http://infomesh.net/pwyky/|Pwyky]] -- WyPy's big brother, by the same author. (2004)
 * Wiki:WyPy -- a Wiki:ShortestWikiContest contender, 23-, 18-, and 11-line versions. (2004)

== Archaeology ==

The following projects are not available anymore:

 * Wiki:CyberPublishing -- a wiki-based web publishing framework written in Python; GPL
 * [[http://hatta-wiki.org|Hatta]] -- a Wiki which runs out of a Mercurial repository whose pages are just the files in that repository.
 * [[http://frotz.net/sakana/space/mojibake|mojibake]] -- based on [[http://frotz.net/sakana/space/home|Sakana]], runs with [[ModPython|ModPython]]
 * Wiki:MonkeyWiki -- another Wiki:PikiPiki fork that claims to be simple to install/use, single file, very flexible templating, rewrite-friendly.
 * [[http://wiki.webwareforpython.org/thiswiki|Not-Yet-Named Wiki]] -- runs on Webware. Supports static publishing, WYSIWYG editing, [[reStructuredText|reStructuredText]]
 * [[http://moinmo.in/PikiePikie|PikiePikie]] -- Python-based, lets you put a Wiki:WebLog on any page (based on Wiki:PikiPiki)
 * Wiki:PikiPiki -- Python-based, completely standalone, GPL, famous ancestor of most Python wikies
 * [[http://www.mcnabbs.org/andrew/smug/|Smug]] - GPLed content editing system with moderation queue.
 * [[http://projectsycamore.org|Sycamore]] -- seems to have roots in [[MoinMoin|MoinMoin]], but looks a little slicker while not as full featured. Uses a PostgreSQL or MySQL backend. GPL.
 * Wiki:ZwiKi -- based in Wiki:ZoPe, powerful, GPL.