When a new Python release nears, activity on the python-dev mailing list accelerates as people try to track down and fix bugs that have eluded previous efforts. Some of the most difficult bug fixes to test are for relatively minor platforms, because most of the people on the python-dev list have run-of-the-mill computing environments.

Here's your chance to help. If you would be able to help test Python on non-mainstream platforms, add a row to the table below. The definition of "mainstream" is obviously vague, but includes old versions various Linux distributions (e.g., Red Hat 6.2), Unix distributions which have fallen out of favor (e.g., IRIX) and any non-Unix platform other than Windows.
||'''Name''' ||'''Platforms Available''' ||'''Email''' ||
||SkipMontanaro ||Mac OS X ||<<MailTo(skip AT pobox DOT com)>>||
||MichaelHudson ||RH 7.2, Mac OS X ||mwh at python.net ||
||FredDrake ||RH 7.3, RH 9.0 ||fdrake at acm.org ||
||BarryWarsaw ||RH 7.3, RH 9.0, Mac OS X ||barry at python.org ||
||NealNorwitz ||RH 6.2/Alpha, RH 8.0, RH 9.0, Solaris 8, AIX 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.3, HPUX 11, IRIX 6.5, Tru64 5.0, 5.1 ||neal at metaslash.com ||
||Kurt B. Kaiser ||RH 6.0 ++ /i386, OpenBSD Current, Debian Sid, Win98 ||kbk att shore net ||
||MarkFavas ||Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Tru64 4.0F, Tru64 5.1, FreeBSD 4.8 ||mark dot favas at csiro dot au ||
||JordanKrushen ||Any downloadable Linux/FreeBSD, Mac OS X ||jordan at krushen.com ||
||PieterB ||FreeBSD 4.8, FreeBSD 5.1 ||pieterb att gewis.nl ||
||AleksanderPiotrowski ||OpenBSD -current (i386, sparc64) ||aleksander.piotrowski at nic dot com dot pl ||
||ChristosGeorgiou ||Irix 6.5.x - SGI Linux (Itanium) Propack 2.2.x ||tzot at sil-tec dot gr ||
||HyeShikChang ||[[http://www.freebsd.org/internal/machines.html|FreeBSD internal machines]] ||perky at i18n.org ||
||LeoJackson||Sparc, Solaris10, Ubuntu8.04, Ubuntu8.10, IRIS, RISC, BSD, MAC OSX, System5, UNIX  ||lajjr at yahoo dot com ||

There are also test farms that people can use. Here are some:
||'''Name''' ||'''Platforms Available''' ||'''URL for info''' ||
||HP Test Drive ||CPUs (Alpha, Itanium, PA-RISC, StrongARM, x86) OSes (*BSD, HP-UX, Linux, OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX) ||http://www.testdrive.hp.com/ ||