Please try to document tasks, email templates, "best practices", etc, on this page and/or sub-pages under the appropriate section (or add a section).

== Organizing Member Meetings ==

To be filled in.

== Organizing Board Meetings ==

The Chairman is responsible for setting up and running the board meetings.  The Secretary is usually responsible for taking minutes.  For a schedule of upcoming meetings, see PythonSoftwareFoundationBoard.  

Tasks for board meetings include:

  * Email psf-board a week ahead of time with reminder and draft agenda, requesting additions for the agenda.  Be sure to include the meeting time and date (best in UTC).

  * Email psf-board again a few days ahead with final agenda and meeting time and date.

  * A typical agenda has these parts:

    * Roll call: State your names
    * Identify who takes minutes
    * Approve minutes from prior board meeting(s)
    * Review action items from last minutes
    * New business / discussion
      * (add items here for each meeting)
    * Progress reports / other

    Add the URLs to appropriate resources (like draft minutes) directly to the agenda.

  * Run the meeting on IRC by keeping conversation on track and moving any lengthy discussion to email. Review of action items is aided by the list kept in the meeting minutes (see below).

== Form for Meeting Minutes ==

'''Important:''' Meeting minutes should contain a record of action items from previous meetings.  Without this, we have plenty of past experience to show that things will not to get done.

To be filled in.

== Billing Sponsors ==

To be filled in.

== Adding New Members ==

To be filled in.

== Trademark and License Queries ==

To be filled in.