[[../|Python Library Reference]] 6.1 [[/OSModule|os]] -- Miscellaneous operating system interfaces 6.1.1 Process Parameters 6.1.2 File Object Creation 6.1.3 File Descriptor Operations 6.1.4 Files and Directories 6.1.5 Process Management 6.1.6 Miscellaneous System Information 6.2 [[/OSPathModule|os.path]] -- Common pathname manipulations 6.3 [[/DirCacheModule|dircache]] -- Cached directory listings 6.4 [[/StatModule|stat]] -- Interpreting stat() results 6.5 [[/StatcacheModule|statcache]] -- An optimization of os.stat() 6.6 [[/StatvfsModule|statvfs]] -- Constants used with os.statvfs() 6.7 [[/FilecmpModule|filecmp]] -- File and Directory Comparisons 6.7.1 The dircmp class 6.8 [[/Popen2Module|popen2]] -- Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams 6.8.1 Popen3 and Popen4 Objects 6.8.2 Flow Control Issues 6.9 [[/DatetimeModule|datetime]] -- Basic date and time types 6.9.1 Available Types 6.9.2 timedelta Objects 6.9.3 date Objects 6.9.4 datetime Objects 6.9.5 time Objects 6.9.6 tzinfo Objects 6.9.7 strftime() Behavior 6.10 [[/TimeModule|time]] -- Time access and conversions 6.11 [[/SchedModule|sched]] -- Event scheduler 6.11.1 Scheduler Objects 6.12 [[/MutexModule|mutex]] -- Mutual exclusion support 6.12.1 Mutex Objects 6.13 [[/GetPassModule|getpass]] -- Portable password input 6.14 [[/CursesModule|curses]] -- Terminal handling for character-cell displays 6.14.1 Functions 6.14.2 Window Objects 6.14.3 Constants 6.15 [[/CursesTextpadModule|curses.textpad]] -- Text input widget for curses programs 6.15.1 Textbox objects 6.16 curses.wrapper -- Terminal handler for curses programs 6.17 curses.ascii -- Utilities for ASCII characters 6.18 curses.panel -- A panel stack extension for curses. 6.18.1 Functions 6.18.2 Panel Objects 6.19 getopt -- Parser for command line options 6.20 optparse -- Powerful parser for command line options. 6.20.1 Philosophy 6.20.2 Basic Usage 6.20.3 Advanced Usage 6.20.4 Callback Options 6.20.5 Extending optparse 6.21 tempfile -- Generate temporary files and directories 6.22 errno -- Standard errno system symbols 6.23 glob -- Unix style pathname pattern expansion 6.24 fnmatch -- Unix filename pattern matching 6.25 shutil -- High-level file operations 6.25.1 Example 6.26 locale -- Internationalization services 6.26.1 Background, details, hints, tips and caveats 6.26.2 For extension writers and programs that embed Python 6.26.3 Access to message catalogs 6.27 gettext -- Multilingual internationalization services 6.27.1 GNU gettext API 6.27.2 Class-based API 6.27.3 Internationalizing your programs and modules 6.27.4 Acknowledgements 6.28 logging -- Logging facility for Python 6.28.1 Logger Objects 6.28.2 Handler Objects 6.28.3 Formatter Objects 6.28.4 Filter Objects 6.28.5 LogRecord Objects 6.28.6 Thread Safety 6.28.7 Configuration 6.28.8 Using the logging package ---- CategoryDocumentation