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DownloadPython3 Syntax Symbol Uses
^C ^D \t \n \r <space> ! != " " # $ % %= %% & &= ' ' ( ) * *= ** **= + += , - -= . ... / /= // //= : ; < <= << <<= = op= == > >= >> >>= ? @ [ ] \ ^ ^= _ __ __ __ ` { } {{,}} | |= ~
The ASCII character set includes non-printable control characters (designated below with a '^' or '\' prefix), space, letters and digits, and other printable symbols. A few of the control characters, space, and most of the symbols are used in Python code as operators, delimiters, or other syntactic units. Some symbols are used alone, some in multi-symbol units, and some in both. There are separate entries for each syntactic unit and for each different use of a unit. In total, there are nearly 100 entries for 61 symbols and combinations. Entries are in ASCII collating (sorting) order except that ?= entries (where ? is a symbol) follow the one for ? (if there is one) and the general 'op=' entry follows the one for =. The two lines after the entry for '\r' are entries for the invisible blank space ' '.
Most entries start with P, I, or S to indicate the syntactic unit's use as a prefix, infix, or suffix. (These terms are here not limited to operators.) If so, a template follows, with italicized words indicating the type of code to be substituted in their place. A description follows. Some syntactic units are split into two subunits that enclose code. Entries for these are the same except that two initials are used, either PS or IS, depending on whether the first subunit is a prefix or infix relative to the entire syntactic construct. A few entries specific to the interactive interpreter start with II. They are not really code uses but are handy to know.
Many of the templates and meanings of operators are specific to the current set of built-in classes. New classes, whether built-in or user-defined, can expand their meaning. For example, the addition of classes set and frozenset as built-ins expanded some of the entries from what they once would have been. And in 3.0, the word 'set' includes the new set-like dictview classes.
The words in the templates and explanations should help direct one to entries in the Python manuals. Some have been selected for that purpose. Most can be found by searching (using ^F) in the Lexical, Expression, or Simple Statement chapters of the Language Reference or the Built-in Types chapter of the Library manual. Omitted here are encoding declarations, details about '\' ecapes within string and bytes literals, and special symbol uses within % and {} format specifications.
Symbol |
Kind |
Template |
Description |
II |
control-C |
Interrupt execution on Microsoft Windows systems. |
II |
control-D |
Interrupt execution on Unix-derived systems. |
P |
tab(s) code |
Syntactically significant indentation. Do not mix with spaces. |
I |
token_a whitespace(s) token_b |
Whitespace is tab, newline, and space. Optional unless token_atoken_b run together would mean something else. |
S |
code \n |
Physical line, also logical line unless preceded by '\' or inside (), [], or {} pairs. |
I |
token \n token |
Whitespace when preceded by '\' or inside (), [], or {} pairs; see infix \t. |
S |
code \r\n or \r |
Deleted or converted to \n. |
P |
space(s) code |
Syntactically significant indentation. Do not mix with tabs. |
I |
token token |
Whitespace; see infix \t. |
I |
object1 != object2 |
Comparison operator for inequality of object values. |
PS |
" text " |
Single-quoted* string or bytes literal, cannot contain a newline (\n) character. *by one double-quote character |
PS |
""" text """ |
Triple-quoted* string or bytes literal, possibly spanning multiple lines. *by three double-quote characters |
P or I |
code # any_text |
Comment ended by \n and optionally preceded by code. |
<not used> |
I |
number1 % number2 |
Remainder (modulo) operator, 2 % 2 == 0, 3 % 2 == 1. |
I |
format_string % data |
%-format format-string using %-format specifications. |
P |
%format_spec |
Format within %-format strings for interpolated value. See Standard-library Built-in-types Sequence-types Old-string-formatting section for more. |
I |
target %= expression |
See op=. |
' x %% y ' |
Insert % rather than formatted value when used within %-format strings. |
I |
intset1 & intset2 |
Integer bitwise-and or set union operator. |
I |
target &= expression |
See op=. |
PS |
' text ' |
Single-quoted string or bytes literal, cannot contain a newline (\n) character. |
PS |
''' text ''' |
Triple-quoted string or bytes literal, possibly spanning multiple lines. |
() |
Empty tuple. |
PS |
( expression ) |
Separate expression from surrounding code as a syntactic atom. |
PS |
( comprehension ) |
Generator expression, with ( ) optional in one-arg calls. |
IS |
name ( base_classes ) |
Header for class definitions. |
IS |
name ( parameters ) |
Header for function definitions. |
IS |
callable ( arguments ) |
Call operator for functions, classes, and other callables. |
* |
In function parameter list, make following unstarred names keyword only. |
P |
*parameter_name |
Function parameter bound to a tuple of extra positional arguments, any following unstarred names are keyword only. |
P |
*iterable |
In a call, unpack iterable items as arguments. |
P |
*assignment_target |
Starred target in assignment statement gets extra items from iterable. |
I |
number1 * number2 |
Number multiplication operator. |
I |
n * sequence or sequence * n |
Operator to concatenate n copies of sequence. |
S |
from module import * |
Import all public (non-private) names from the module. |
I |
target *= expression |
See op=. |
P |
**parameter_name |
Function parameter bound to dict of extra keyword arguments. |
P |
**mapping |
In a call, treat the key:value pairs as extra keyword arguments. |
I |
number1 ** number2 |
Exponentiation operator, number1 to the power number2. |
I |
target **= expr |
See op=. |
P |
+ number |
The same as number, unless a class decides otherwise (rare). |
I |
number1 + number2 |
Number addition operator. |
I |
sequence1 + sequence2 |
Sequence concatenation operator. |
I |
target += expression |
See op=. |
I |
expression1, expression2 |
Delimiter for expression list that becomes a tuple unless appearing within [ ], { }, or func( ) to become list, set, dict, or param/arg list. |
P |
-number |
Minus operator, negates the number. |
I |
number1 - number2 |
Number subtraction operator, number1 minus number2. |
I |
set1 - set2 |
Set difference operator, members of set1 not in set2. |
I |
target -= expression |
See op=. |
P |
.module |
Used in relative imports but not well documented. |
I |
integer.fracton |
Float literal, with either integer or fraction part (but not both) optional. |
I |
name.attribute |
Dotted name that references attribute of object denoted by name. |
I |
package.sub_mod |
Import a subpackage or module from package in import statement. |
Ellipsis literal. |
I |
number1 / number2 |
Number division (quotient) operator, 1/2 == 0.5. |
I |
target /= expression |
See op=. |
I |
number1 // number2 |
Floor division operator, 1/2 == 0. |
I |
target //= expression |
See op=. |
I |
int1 : int2 : int3 |
Start, stop, and step for slicing, with in1, int2, and :int3 optional. |
I |
key : value |
Delimiter for dict display items. |
I |
lambda arglist : expression |
Lambda expression, abbreviates function definition. |
I |
param : expression |
In parameter lists, add entry to function.__annotations__. |
S |
header : |
Delimiter for header of compound statements, followed by a statement suite. |
I |
statement ; statement |
Delimiter separating multiple statements on one physical line. |
I |
value1 < value2 |
Comparison operator for value1 less than value2. |
I |
value1 <= value2 |
Comparison operator for value1 less than or equal to value2. |
I |
integer << count |
Left shift operator, i << j == i * 2**j. |
I |
target <<= expr |
See op=. |
I |
param = value |
In parameter lists, make the value the default argument for the parameter. |
I |
target = expression targets = iterable |
Delimiter for assignment statements. |
I |
target op= compatible_object |
Delimiter for augmented assignment statements. Op can be infix +, -, *, /, //, %, **, &, |, ^, <<, or >>. Similar to 'target = target op value' except that target is evaluated only once and mutable targets get mutated instead of replaced. |
I |
value1 == value2 |
Comparison operator for equality of object values. |
I |
value1 > value2 |
Comparison operator for value1 great than value2. |
I |
value1 >= value2 |
Comparison operator for value1 greater than or equal to value2. |
I |
integer >> count |
Right shift operator, i >> j == i // 2**j. |
I |
target >>= expr |
See op=. |
<not used> |
P |
@decorator |
Wrap or modify the following class or function by calling the decorator. |
PS |
[ display ] |
With display an expression list or comprehension, make a new list. |
IS |
seqmap [ index ] |
Subscript a sequence with an integer or slice or subscript a map with a hashable object. |
P |
\char(s) |
Escape character changes meaning of following char(s) in string or bytes literals. |
P |
\newline-char |
Outside quotes, allows logical line to continue on next physical line. |
I |
intset1 ^ intset2 |
Integer bitwise exclusive-or or set symmetric-difference operator. |
I |
target ^= expression |
See op=. |
An 'honorary' letter when used in identifiers (names). |
II |
Default name bound to expressions used as statements. |
P |
_name |
Private identifier, meaning is conventional except in * imports. |
P |
__name |
Private identifier that gets mangled. |
PS |
__name__ |
Special, reserved name used by Python interpreters. |
<not used> |
PS |
{ display } |
With display an expression list or comprehension, make a new set, unless the display items are key:value pairs, in which case make a new dict, or unless there is no display, in which case make a new empty dict. |
IS |
{ format-spec } |
Format within str.format() string for interpolated value. See Standard-library String-services string Format String section for more. |
'x {{ y }} z' |
Insert { or } rather than formatted value when used within str.format strings. |
I |
intset1 | intset2 |
Integer bitwise inclusive-or or set union operator. |
I |
target |= expression |
See op=. |
P |
~integer |
Bitwise inversion operator, ~n == -(n+1). |
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