A list of vendors, in alphabetical order, who provide services supporting Python 2 codebases or migrating from Python 2 to Python 3.

'''Disclaimer:''' ''This page, like the rest of the Wiki, is user-contributed content; being listed here does not imply any sort of endorsement by the Python Software Foundation.''

 * [[https://abilian.com/fr/services/migration/|Abilian (France)]]
 * [[https://www.activestate.com/products/activepython/python-2-7/|ActiveState]]:(Global) providing Python 2 to 3 migration assistance and long-term Python 2 support.
 * [[http://python.axant.it/|AXANT]] (Italy)
 * [[https://www.hendrikx-itc.nl/|Hendrikx ITC]] (The Netherlands) providing Python 2>3 migration
 * [[https://www.itechart.com/blog/key-ways-to-switch-to-python-3/|iTechArt]] ''(USA, UK, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe)'' '''providing 2 to 3 migration'''  (not long term Python 2 support)
 * [[https://www.level12.io/blog/why-we-use-python-in-a-single-tweet/|Level 12]]: providing 2 -> 3 migration, but not long term Python 2 support
 * [[https://www.python-academy.com/consulting/python_migration_2_to_3.html|Python Academy]] (Germany)
 * [[https://reckondigital.com/|Reckon Digital]] (United Kingdom)
 * [[https://www.revsys.com/services/python/|REVSYS]]
 * [[https://sixfeetup.com/|Six Feet Up]]
 * [[https://snake.dev/|Snakedev]]

Some of the consulants listed at PythonConsulting may also be able to help, but if they're not listed here you'll have to ask them.
