= Python Conferences = The Python community tends to organize regional events around the world. Established events such as PyCon US and EuroPython have since been joined by other regional conferences, and Python often features prominently in various open source conferences. This page aims to be the '''most complete list of Python conferences around the world''' and can be [[FrontPage#use|edited by the community]]. Want to organize an event in your community? Read [[AdvocacyWritingTasks/RunningAConference|our guide to running a conference]]. In particular, if you are considering starting a "PyCon" named conference, please see the [[https://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/pycon/|PSF PyCon Trademark Guidelines]] and the [[https://www.python.org/psf/trademarks-faq/|PSF Trademark FAQs]]. If you are planning a Python conference event, please check the dates in the [[https://pycon.org#calendar|Python Event Calendars]] to see whether there are any overlaps and [[PythonEventsCalendar#Submitting_an_Event|submit your event to the calendars]]. Also see the PythonEvents page for more schedule information. ''Please keep these lists mostly sorted alphabetically. It is fine to place the most prominent and largest events at the top of the respective listings.'' <> == Regional Python Conferences == === Africa === * [[https://africa.pycon.org/|PyCon Africa]] (Africa) * [[http://gh.pycon.org/|PyCon Ghana]] (Ghana) * [[https://www.pyconke.org/|PyCon Kenya]] (Kenya) * [[https://www.pyconmea.com/|PyCon MEA]] (Middle East & Africa) (Dubai, UAE) * [[https://na.pycon.org/|PyCon Namibia]] (Namibia) * [[https://ng.pycon.org/|PyCon NG]] (Nigeria) * [[https://ne.pycon.org/|PyCon Niger]] (Niger) * [[https://pycon.org.so/|PyCon Somalia]] (Somalia) * [[https://za.pycon.org/|PyCon ZA]] (South Africa) * [[https://pycon.or.tz/|PyCon Tanzania]] (Tanzania) * [[https://ug.pycon.org/|PyCon Uganda]] (Uganda) * [[https://zw.pycon.org/|PyConZim]] (Zimbabwe) === Americas === * [[https://us.pycon.org|PyCon US]] (US and Canada) - largest international Python event; also see the wiki page: PyCon US * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170725125219/http://mdp.cdm.depaul.edu/DePy2016|DePy]] (Chicago, United States) ''inactive'' * [[https://www.northbaypython.org/|North Bay Python]] (California, United States) * [[https://pybay.com/|PyBay]] (California, United States) * [[https://pybeach.org/|PyBeach]] (California, United States) * [[https://www.pycascades.com/|PyCascades]] (West Coast United States and Canada) * [[https://ar.pycon.org/|PyCon Argentina]] (Argentina) * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20220520143924/https://pycon.bo/|PyCon Bolivia]] (Bolivia) ''inactive'' * [[https://pycon.ca/|PyCon Canada]] (Canada) ''inactive'' * [[https://www.pycon.cl/|PyCon Chile]] (Chile) * [[https://www.pycon.co/|PyCon Colombia]] (Colombia) * [[https://www.pylatam.org/en/|PyCon Latam]] (Mexiko) * [[https://www.pycon.pa/|PyCon Panama]] (Panama) * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20130521223448/http://uy.pycon.org/|PyCon Uruguay]] (Uruguay) ''inactive'' * [[http://web.archive.org/web/20131019013436/http://ve.pycon.org/|PyCon Venezuela]] (Venezuela) ''inactive'' * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200907051100/https://mailchi.mp/8ad40e1455a4/pycarolinas-news|PyCarolinas]] (North and South Carolina, United States) ''inactive'' * [[https://www.pygotham.org/|PyGotham]] (New York, United States) * [[https://www.pyohio.org/|PyOhio]] (Ohio, United States) * [[http://pytennessee.org/|PyTennessee]] (Tennessee, United States) * [[https://www.pytexas.org/|PyTexas]] (Texas, United States) * [[https://pythonbrasil.org.br|PythonBrasil]] and [[https://python.org.br/|Python Brazilian Community site]] (Brazil) * [[https://conference.scipy.org/index.html|SciPy]] (USA) - focuses on scientific applications * [[https://us.wagtail.space/|Wagtail Space US]] (USA) - focuses on the Wagtail CMS, which is written in Python === Asia === * [[https://pycon.asia/|PyCon APAC or Asia Pacific]] (Asia Pacific) - also see the wiki page: [[PyConAPAC]] * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20160912210524/http://dhaka.pycon.org/|PyCon Dhaka]] (Bangladesh) ''inactive'' * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20211018224420/https://pythoncm.org/|PyCon Cameroon]] (Cameroon) ''inactive'' * [[https://cn.pycon.org/|PyCon China]] (China) * [[https://pycon.hk/|PyCon Hong Kong]] (Hong Kong) * [[https://in.pycon.org/|PyCon India]] (India) * [[https://pycon.id/|PyCon ID]] (Indonesia) * [[https://ir.pycon.org|PyCon Iran]] (Iran) * [[https://pycon.org.il/|PyCon Israel]] (Israel) * [[https://www.pycon.jp/|PyCon Japan]] (Japan) * [[https://pycon.kr/|PyCon Korea]] (South Korea) * [[https://pycon.my|PyCon Malaysia]] (Malaysia) * [[https://np.pycon.org/|PyCon NP]] (Nepal) * [[https://www.pyconmea.com/|PyCon MEA (Middle East & Africa)]] (Dubai, UAE) * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170908182753/http://pk.python.org:80/|PyCon Pakistan]] (Pakistan) ''inactive'' * [[https://ph.pycon.org/|PyCon Philippines]] (Philippines) * [[https://pycon.sg|PyCon Singapore]] (Singapore) * [[https://tw.pycon.org/|PyCon Taiwan]] (Taiwan) * [[https://th.pycon.org|PyCon Thailand]] (Thailand) * [[https://tr.pycon.org/|PyCon Turkey]] (Turkey) * [[https://conference.pydelhi.org/|PyDelhi Conference]] (Delhi, India) * [[https://scipy.in|SciPy India]] (India) === Australasia === * [[https://kiwipycon.nz/|Kiwi PyCon]] (New Zealand) * [[https://pycon.org.au/|PyCon Australia]] (Australia) === Europe === * [[https://www.europython.eu/|EuroPython]] (Europe) - largest European event; also see the wiki page: EuroPython * [[https://www.euroscipy.org|EuroSciPy conference]] (Germany, France) - focuses on scientific applications * [[https://djangocon.eu/|DjangoCon Europe]] (Europe) - focuses on the Django web framework * [[http://dragonpy.com/|DragonPy]] (Slovenia) * [[http://geopython.net/|GeoPython]] (Switzerland) - focuses on geo-spatial applications * [[https://conf.python.ru|Moscow Python Conf]] (Moscow, Russia) * [[https://piterpy.com/en/|Piter Py]] (Saint Petersburg, Russia) * [[https://www.pyconbalkan.com/|PyCon Balkan]] (Serbia) * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20210917163302/https://by.pycon.org/|PyCon BY]] (Belarus) ''inactive'' * [[http://cz.pycon.org/|PyCon CZ]] (Czechia) * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20161010045716/http://pycon.dk/|PyCon DK]] (Denmark) ''inactive'' * [[https://de.pycon.org/|PyCon DE]] (Germany) * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20180122040854/http://python.fi/toiminta/pyconfi/|PyCon FI]] (Finland) ''inactive'' * [[https://fr.pycon.org/|PyCon FR]] (France) * [[https://python.ie/|PyCon Ireland]] (Ireland) * [[https://www.pycon.it/|PyCon Italia]] (Italy) * [[https://pycon.lt/|PyCon LT]] (Lithuania) * [[https://nl.pycon.org/|PyCon NL]] (The Netherlands) * [[https://pl.pycon.org/|PyCon PL]] (Poland) * [[https://pycon.pt/|PyCon PT]] (Portugal) * [[http://pycon.ru/|PyCon Russia]] (Russia) * [[https://pycon.sk/|PyCon SK]] (Slovakia) * [[https://es.pycon.org/|PyCon ES]] (Spain) * [[https://www.pycon.se/|PyCon SE]] (Sweden) * [[http://www.pyconuk.org|PyCon UK]] (United Kingdom) * [[https://uapycon.org/|PyCon UA]] (Ukraine) ''inactive'' * [[http://pygrunn.org/|PyGrunn]] (The Netherlands) * [[http://pythoncamp.de/|PythonCamp]] (Germany) * [[https://www.python-fosdem.org/|PythonFOSDEM]] (Belgium) - Python dev room at [[https://fosdem.org/|FOSDEM]] * [[https://pyss.org/|Python San Sebastian]] (Basque Country, Spain) ''inactive'' * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170703234229/http://www.pyunconf.de:80/en/|Python Unconference]] (Germany) ''inactive'' * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20220627212856/http://13.rupy.eu/|RuPy]] (Poland) - a hybrid Ruby/Python conference ''inactive'' * [[https://www.python-summit.ch/|Swiss Python Summit]] (Switzerland) * [[https://nl.wagtail.space/|Wagtail Space NL]] (The Netherlands) - focuses on the Wagtail CMS, which is written in Python === Online === * [[https://xtremepython.dev|XtremePython]] (Online) == Topic Conferences == ''Regularly happening larger topic events should also be listed in the above regional sections.'' === AI & Data Science === Focus on using Python for AI and data science. * [[https://pydata.org|PyData]] - lists many events around the world === Django === Focus on the [[https://www.djangoproject.com/|Django web framework]]. * [[https://djangocon.eu/|DjangoCon Europe]] (Europe) * [[https://djangocon.us/|DjangoCon US]] (USA) * [[https://djangogirls.org/en/|DjangoGirls]] (world-wide) - DjangoGirls regularly organize smaller educational events for learning Django === Education & Outreach === Events focusing on Python education and outreach. * [[https://djangogirls.org/en/|DjangoGirls]] (world-wide) - DjangoGirls regularly organize smaller educational events for learning Django * [[https://pyladies.com/locations/|PyLadies]] (world-wide) - PyLadies chapters regularly organize meetups and workshops for learning Python * [[https://conference.pyladies.com/|PyLadiesCon]] (online) - PyLadies conference === Web Frameworks === Focus on the [[https://plone.org/|Plone web framework]]: * [[https://ploneconf.org/|Plone Conference]] Focus on the [[https://wagtail.org/|Wagtail CMS]]: * [[https://www.wagtail.space/|Wagtail Space]] (world-wide) - Hub for Wagtail conferences * [[https://us.wagtail.space/|Wagtail Space US]] (USA) * [[https://nl.wagtail.space/|Wagtail Space NL]] (The Netherlands) === Science === Focus on using Python in science. * [[https://conference.scipy.org/index.html|SciPy]] (USA) - focuses on scientific applications * [[https://www.euroscipy.org|EuroSciPy conference]] (Germany, France) - focuses on scientific applications * [[http://geopython.net/|GeoPython]] (Switzerland) - focuses on geo and GIS applications * [[https://pyhpc.io/|PyHPC]] (world-wide) - focus on high performance computing * [[https://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/workinggroups/pyhep.html|PyHEP]] (world-wide, online) - focus on particle physics == Python at Open Source Conferences == Python has often been featured in the following conference series and events: * [[https://confoo.ca/en|ConFoo Web Techno Conference]] (Canada) - features a Python track * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200220135237/http://conferences.oreillynet.com/eurooscon/|EuroOSCON]] (Europe) - features a Python track ''inactive'' * [[https://fosdem.org/|FOSDEM]] (Belgium) - features a [[https://www.python-fosdem.org/|Python dev room]] * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20190810123357/https://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/oscon-or|OSCON]] (USA) - features a Python track ''inactive'' * [[https://www.osdc.com.au/|OSDC AU]] (Australia) - a very strong Python track