This page is for people helping with the OSCON 2009 Python/PSF booth in the expo hall. Please help fill each timeslot with two people. Some timeslots apply to only one day; the other day has an "X" in it. || || '''Weds 7/22''' || '''Thurs 7/23''' || || '''10-11''' || Brent || Casey, Brent || || '''11-noon''' || Mokurai, Brent || Brent || || '''noon-1''' || Casey, Brent || JJ Behrens || || '''1-2''' || || Casey, Brent || || '''2-3''' || Casey || JJ Behrens || || '''3-4:30''' || Brent || '''X''' || || '''6-7''' || Brent || '''X''' || || '''3-4''' || '''X''' || Brent || || '''4-5''' || '''X''' || Brent || I will add more hours later.--Mokurai I'd like to get to the YAML session on Wednesday at 2:35 and the memcached session on Thursday at 11:35, so I'll take on half hours at the ends of my other stretches to make up the 10 hours that I pledged earlier. --Brent