= Python CD Packages = Here is an overview of popular packages installed on the PythonCd. PythonCdRawPackageList has a complete raw list of installed debian packages. == IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) == * [[eric]]3 - a very nice and powerful GUI IDE * [[IDLE]] - a simpler, but also popular GUI IDE * DrPython - another GUI IDE * [[IPython]] - an extended interactive Python command interpreter == GUI Builders == * BoaConstructor * PythonCard * ? WxGlade == GUI Toolkit bindings == * PyGtk * PyQt * WxPython == Graphics libs == * [[PIL]] * PyGame * PyOpenGL == Web/HTML/XML stuff == * [[MoinMoin]] wiki - you are using it right now * TwistedMatrix AKA Twisted - a Python internet framework, very powerful * [[Quixote]] * PyXML, libxml2 and other XML packages == Scientific == * python-numeric and python-numarray - math extensions * python-pyx - module for generating PostScript graphics, plotting == Database == * [[http://gadfly.sourceforge.net/|Gadfly]] * python-mysqldb - interface for [[MySQL]] * python-pgsql - DB-API 2.0 interface to [[PostgreSQL]] v7.x * python-pygresql - [[PostgreSQL]] module == Misc == * PyChecker - checks your source code for common errors ---- /!\ Check against PythonCdRawPackageList before putting on this page! If unsure, put a ? in front of the entry here.