= Welcome to your Python CD! = ||This is a bootable CD based on [[http://debian.org/|Debian GNU/Linux]] and [[http://knoppix.de/|KNOPPIX]].<<BR>><<BR>>The special thing about it is that it has lots of Python stuff!||{{http://www.kloss-familie.de/guy/images/Python_cd_trans_sm.png}}|| = Contents of the Python CD = * PythonCdDocs - lots of documentation (read them ;) ) * PythonCdCore - core Python packages and files * PythonCdPackages - other Python packages * PythonCdFun - the funny part of it * PythonCdToDo - what we plan for the future * PythonCdContributors - hall of fame ;) = Online ressources = * PythonCdDownload - how to get the PythonCd from the internet * join #pythoncd``@irc.freenode.net for discussion, development and support of PythonCd. The channel is brand new, so just hang out there and simply start writing. ;) * http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonCd for latest version of the wiki pages and other Python information * http://python.org/ for general Python information /!\ Developers and Contributors, please use the wiki and IRC as the main kind of collaboration.